Antville Project

Server fund update

According to a quick calc I just did (keeping track of 4 accounts is not so easy) we are stopping now at approx. 2840 Euro.

Let's see what that money would buy us. A quick tour around various vendor's sites shows that we could spend that money on this IBM server.

It has a single Intel Xeon processor running at 2400 Mhz, upgradable to two CPUs. Adele, our current server, has dual Pentium 3 processors running at 500 Mhz, so this would most definitely fit our current needs, give us some headroom plus an optional upgrade path via the second processor.

The server comes with one 40 GB IDE harddisk. IDE disks should be ok, and it would be large enough space wise for some time to come. I'd much prefer to have a second hard disk though, so we can share the IO load for tasks like database, logging, static serving etc. However, with the current prices for IDE harddisks, this definitely wouldn't be a big hurdle.

The only major problem with this server is that it only comes with 512 MB RAM, which would be a downgrade from the 768 MB we currently have on adele. Folks, we really need 1 GB of RAM for the golden shiny future we all want for!

With the Antville server fund getting close to what we need, I'll start getting offers for systems that match our needs. I'll report everything I get here on the project weblog. If you know any cheap, high quality vendor, please let us know by posting a comment here - of course we'll consider everything. The main requirements are that the server must be rack-mountable, should preferably only be one rack-unit high, and must come from a major and trustworthy vendor (i.e. no experimental home-made stuff).

And of course it's still a great time to contribute to the antville server fund, if you haven't done so yet! The more we get, the more power to you!


nosleep, January 7, 2003 at 3:57:56 PM CET

Re: Server fund update

Some vendor suggestions:

I think I would be a wise decision to downgrade the CPU-speed in a SMP Enviroment and invest the saved money in an SCSI/RAID subsystem that will enhance the performance - IDE is a little sucky. On the other hand, maybe it is an idea to get a reduced price while stating that the server will be used for antville:


nex, January 8, 2003 at 5:14:34 AM CET

Re: Re: Server fund update


Looks nice, but also expensive, even compared to IBM. I doubt that we really need SCSI, especially if we'd go for RAID at some point. The performance difference isn't as big as 10 years ago when there was no EIDE or Fast-ATA, but the price difference is still hefty. When I read the specs of the IBM machine above, I tought exactly what hns stated:

The only major problem with this server is that it only comes with 512 MB RAM.

MaxData Good suggestion! Woth a look.

maybe it is an idea to get a reduced price ... Why haven't we thought of that before? Some companies like IBM do a little sponsoring when you stick their logo somewhere. "Frogn kost nix!" :-)


nosleep, January 8, 2003 at 2:15:23 PM CET

Re: Re: Server fund update

As far as I can see, the price vs. value on the IBM is not that easy to beat on the other hand, you should get another two 256MB DIMMs for Example from Kingston: KTM5037/512 and we are all lucky.


... comment
meisterkoechin, January 7, 2003 at 4:03:26 PM CET

Völlig nutzloser Kommentar...

Ích könnt' einen Server backen ;-)


seewolf, January 7, 2003 at 4:05:30 PM CET

Backen is gut

machenSe doch mal ein Kuchenbasar vorm ORF zugunsten des Antville Server Fund, die haun sich doch da sowieso immer um irgendwelche Vanillestücken.


nosleep, January 8, 2003 at 1:58:21 PM CET

Re: Völlig nutzloser Kommentar...

Ich hätte dann gern das Rezept für den da:


meisterkoechin, January 8, 2003 at 2:27:35 PM CET


Hr. Seewolf!! Das heißt VanillePLUNDER oder VanilleGOLATSCHE! Sie waren wohl schon länger nicht mehr in Wien? So ca. Ihr ganzes Leben lang nicht?


... comment
simons, January 9, 2003 at 6:15:59 PM CET

Re: Server fund update

welcher Betrag fehlt denn konkret, um die 512 MB RAM der ins Auge gefassten IBM-Maschine auf 1 GB aufzurüsten?


... comment

The Antville Server Fund has been a great success. Thanks to everybody who contributed!
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