Antville Project

Not a java expert but offering help

Hello Buider-Ants,

I am Peter Lunk from AMsterdam Netherlands I am not a java expert but would like to contribute to your project. I think I would be good for writing a nice manual on the existing functions of wich you can tell me that they are fully developed. After doing those, when a new option or tool is ready I'll gladly keep the helpfiles up to date for you.

Is this an Idea ?

Can I be one of your Writer-ants ?

GreetZ, Peter Lunk


hns, March 22, 2002 at 9:53:10 AM CET

Hi Peter

Thanks for the offer! Yes, of course you can help us with writing documentation. We're not a lot of people, and the few people we are are so busy hacking on the software that all we came up with documentation-wise is the description of a few Macro Tags.

So this is both bad news and good news, in that you don't have a lot to build on, but you do have a lot of freedom where to take it. Basically, just by saying that you want to help out, you've become head of the new Antville documentation team ;-) Of course, you and anybody else wishing to help will get all the help from us we can offer.

I think this would be a good time for other newbie users to chime in and say what they miss and need, and maybe help us getting there. My guess is that apart from macro documentation, we need something like "a gentle introduction to Antville", and then probably something like "the ultimate guide to Antville skinning".

BTW, Stephan's Posting here (in German) made me think that maybe the default skin editor should be one that only lets you edit the 3 or 4 most important skins, along with a much extended explanation of what should be in those skins and what not, and only on a second level offer the fully advanced, fully capable skin editor we have now for those who know what they do ... Just an idea.

Thanks again, Peter, and looking forward to hear again from you, as well as all those other Antvillers suffering from bad documentation!


MrLunk, March 22, 2002 at 10:33:01 AM CET

getting started

1st: Thank you for your enthusiastic response.

I think I should start with "a gentle introduction to Antville" Ofcourse I can guess what should be in there but if you would please make me a small list of the things you guys think should definitely be included in the "a gentle introduction to Antville".

GreetZ Peter Lunk


hns, March 22, 2002 at 11:00:08 AM CET


the gentle intro would be a good place to start.

Here's my first fast list of things that should be in, making it up as I write, so not necessarily in the right order:

  • Overview of Antville features (but not an in-depth explanation of what Weblogs are)
  • Registering, logging in, creating a weblog
  • Explanation of the most important preferences settings (setting weblog online, setting who may post stories etc.)
  • Basic Layout options in preferences, e.g. colors, font sizes etc.
  • Short description of how to post a story
  • Short description of how to upload an image and use it inside a story

Well I'm stopping here, as I said the list is not well thought out, but maybe a good starting point.


robert, March 22, 2002 at 11:07:22 AM CET


for the offer! as hns wrote, we're not that many people working on antville, so any help regarding documentation or contributions to the application code is warmly welcome. regarding the "gentle introduction" i think there are several things that should be explained (mainly because they can be confusing):

  • the basic structure of antville (how stories are organized (timebased/topic-based), images, goodies, polls, memberships and registration ...)
  • weblog-preferences
  • templating: the concept of skins and the skin-structure of antville (just a broad overview)
  • what are macros and what they can/cannot do (i'd just explain the basic ones like link, image etc.)
  • the different user-levels and their rights (admins, content manager, contributor, subscriber)

of course these are just rough ideas, but maybe they're helpful for starting this project. (oops, i just saw that hns was quicker :-)


hns, March 22, 2002 at 11:12:55 AM CET

Hi Robert

Yes, skinning and macros should be mentioned in there, but I thought that for the sake of gentleness, we shouldn't put too much emphasis on technical terms and instead help people getting started, even if they don't know that what they're copy-pasting is called a macro. (There must be something left for "The ultimate guide to Antville skinning", after all ;-)

BTW, how about setting up a dedicated weblog for discussing and writing documentation stuff? Or would that be too early?


robert, March 22, 2002 at 11:26:41 AM CET


i just meant that (for the curious ones) it might be helpful to at least know that everything enclosed by <% and %> ist a macro - not much more. might help to understand how to include images in stories or the like. the rest should definetly be explained in the "ultimate guide".

i think it's too early to create a topic for discussions reg. documentation, but let mrlunk/seewolf decide if they need one.


... comment
seewolf, March 22, 2002 at 10:37:21 AM CET

I'm too

I want to be a member of the new antville documentation team. My fist try was at [Macro not allowed in sandbox:]


hns, March 22, 2002 at 10:53:46 AM CET


the more, the merrier. (At least until we've reached the magic number of 18273).


robert, March 22, 2002 at 11:10:51 AM CET


you're welcome! (hns: what's the meaning of this magic number?)


hns, March 22, 2002 at 11:14:29 AM CET

I haven't found out yet

but believe me, it is magic ;-)


robert, March 22, 2002 at 11:28:25 AM CET

i always thought

the real magic number is 42, but this might be wrong ;-)


tobi, March 22, 2002 at 11:32:17 AM CET

as we all know


kris, March 22, 2002 at 11:58:23 AM CET

right, three

you beat me on this one, but i had this children song in mind. nice interview with bob dorough, btw.


MrLunk, March 22, 2002 at 12:35:06 PM CET

Deep thought said 42

Try this in C !

 ultimate_answer_t deep_thought(void)
        return 42;

THHGTTG ! D Adams !

More indepth analasys on the number 42 ãs generated by the superduper computer DEEP THOUGHT


... comment
LovelyLady2002, March 22, 2002 at 5:58:06 PM CET

peter only

Peter- hi my name is nicole. I am not an expert either, but yeah i dont care if you want to be part of this. I need help with this because i dont know how I get to read comments that are sent to me



MrLunk, March 25, 2002 at 9:36:49 PM CET

Log into your page and.....

Log into your page with login and password then goto imagepool and click view on the message you want to view, the comments are beneath the original message


... comment

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