Antville Project

Antville Server Fund?

Sorry for being anxious, but is there any update on the issue? I.e. when will the box be bought? :-)


meisterkoechin, January 24, 2003 at 10:46:08 AM CET

Laut meinen Infos

Ist der Server noch nicht bestellt, da man auf eine höhere Spendensumme hinarbeitet, um ein besseres Gerät kaufen zu können. Ein update des Kontostandes wäre wirklich nett :-)


frankai, January 24, 2003 at 11:10:55 AM CET

i`d like to spent another 10 euros

,hope someone else will do .the antville projekt need this - just let `em work with a real toy & we got the fun(k)


... comment
hns, January 24, 2003 at 11:37:48 AM CET

Re: Antville Server Fund?

I've been sick lying in bed, which has delayed everything. Now I'm waiting for offers, which I'm expecting for Monday or Tuesday. Which is when I'll order the server.

Since donations have pretty much stalled we'll be settling for a cheaper model than I hoped (i.e. not dual processor capable, but fast and with plenty of RAM).


frankai, January 24, 2003 at 11:41:43 AM CET

Re: Re: Antville Server Fund?

you think it is too difficult or to much to discuss gettinthe money youre hopinfor ?(hope youre feeling better)


hns, January 24, 2003 at 12:13:52 PM CET

Re: Re: Antville Server Fund?

It's certainly possible, but I'm not going to do the cheerleading.


gHack, January 24, 2003 at 12:15:27 PM CET

We could do it like this: Once you've gotten the offers, you could pick the one you really want (dual proc, raid, etc.). Then we can evaluate how much more money we need. Everybody stopped giving because the 3.000,- € announced in the first posting are reached now. If there would be a new number, people would start sending money in again, I guess.


hns, January 24, 2003 at 12:19:52 PM CET

Re: Re: Antville Server Fund?

I'm not going to do that, I already sank too many days into this. I'm not unhappy with the hardware we'll get.


gHack, January 24, 2003 at 12:41:25 PM CET


The proposal was just for the case that you would have had to settle with a sub-optimal solution. Thanks for the work!


... comment
bens, January 24, 2003 at 12:09:32 PM CET

Re: Antville Server Fund?

How much would we still need, hns? (My best for your health, man!)


hns, January 24, 2003 at 12:13:29 PM CET

Re: Re: Antville Server Fund?

There is no fixed sum we need. There's only cheaper technology and more expensive one, and service contracts that are more or less comprehensive and long-running. We could easily spend 6000 Euro or more without overspending, but we can also do with the 3000 we have.


frankai, January 24, 2003 at 12:30:45 PM CET

Re: Re: Antville Server Fund?

i dont know nothing about the possible different results if you buy a cheaper or a more expencive what-ever-you-need , but im afraid it`s difficult to get more money later .


diestimmeausdemhintergrund, January 24, 2003 at 1:43:38 PM CET

Re: Re: Antville Server Fund?

I agree with frankai and support gHacks comment above. I think it will be possible to raise some additional money if needed. But we should know how much. Its much easier if we have a specific number as a target. I'd assume, that an additional 10 % should be possible within a couple of days.


... comment

The Antville Server Fund has been a great success. Thanks to everybody who contributed!
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