Antville Project

startseite antville

hallo leute. Eure startseite eignet sich wunderbar, um andere logs einzusehen und mitzumachen.

doch leider nehmen die privaten zu. kann man die nicht weg mobben oder von der startseite verbannen, weil da darf eh keiner dran! nervt.

die versperren auch den platz für andere seiten, die schon unten rausgefallen sind.

vorschlag? unten button drunter - umschalten auf privat log liste. und die privaten von der ersten seite weg!

erweiterung der liste auf 50. weil es werden immer mehr und man fällt schon raus, wenn man nix in den letzten 3h verändert hat...


tobi, March 26, 2002 at 8:39:17 AM CET

please help yourself and use the webloglist macro in one of your skins. although it does not provide public logs only (but that's an idea we probably should realize), it is close to what you request for.


... comment
hns, March 26, 2002 at 8:55:33 AM CET

was ich mal gemacht hab

war, äuf der frontpage als erstes die subscribten weblogs anzuzeigen (in reihenfolge des letzten updates) und dnn erst die liste mit dem ganzen rest. wenn das gewünscht wird kann ich schauen ob ich's noch finde und im fall einchecken.

(wahrscheinlich isses aber auf dem kaputten vaio und ich muss es nochmal machen.)

Überhaupt brauchen wir mehr funktionalität auf frontpage-ebene...

private weblogs fliegen jetzt dann eh bald raus (vorschlag: jetzt gleich?)


tobi, March 26, 2002 at 9:33:40 AM CET

one moment please

i thought robert wanted to have the private weblogs on the frontpage until he will have finished a first version of an antville admin tool...? i recommend you wait at least for his ok.


hns, March 26, 2002 at 10:00:01 AM CET

Relax :-)

I'm not planning to go on a kamikaze mission. "Jetzt gleich" was meant in Helma time, and of course I'm waiting for Robert's opinion.


tobi, March 26, 2002 at 10:46:20 AM CET

you should add the time-zone in that case. antville-time is slightly faster. :)


robert, March 26, 2002 at 11:53:50 AM CET

tobi is right, i was working on a sysadmin-tool for antville for the last days. it's nearly finished, and i think i will check it in today (or tomorrow :-). from then on private weblogs will not be on the frontpage anymore, just visible in the sysadmin-tool. meaning that weblogs are only allowed to be private for some time (i'd say a week or so), and after that they're blocked automatically (of course the admin(s) of this weblog will get a mail before). there will also be a new "trust" status, which means that trusted weblogs are allowed to be private. i'll post more on this when it's finished.


hns, March 26, 2002 at 12:48:36 PM CET


great news! I didn't know about that.


... comment
cursor, March 26, 2002 at 10:05:03 AM CET

well that was my suggestion, as

well: ban the "privatiers" they dont even want me to read, so there's no use for them displayeing their updates.

for the macro:

where would i have to put it? see there's quite a few DU (Dumm User) like me.

I suggest: ban the privates = default and make them use a macro to watch it all...


... comment
kris, March 26, 2002 at 12:08:41 PM CET

what counts as an update?

at the moment a blog is marked as updated when a new story or comment is posted or when an existing story is edited. the last one is particularly boring since some people correct typos all the time. is it possible to show an update only if the number of characters in a post changed by 20 or 50 or something?


Irene, March 28, 2002 at 4:02:20 PM CET

That's the point. And if we got the edited posts and the comments out of the updates, I cold correct my terrible mistakes - without Kris suspecting me just to do this to get at the top of the list ;-))


tobi, March 28, 2002 at 4:15:36 PM CET



kris, March 28, 2002 at 5:33:52 PM CET

i actually like that new comments are counted as updates

that's why i built all my sites with a focus on the comments. if you ask me i prefered if an update is

  1. a new story or a new comment and
  2. a story that has been edited remarkably (as explained)

these rules should be applied to the sidebar as well.


hns, March 28, 2002 at 5:43:31 PM CET


I also share kris' point of view. To the extend that I wish I could optionally also include comments in the RSS feed... but maybe I'm very alone with that view ;-)


kris, March 28, 2002 at 6:00:00 PM CET

comments in rss would be cool

but that's an entirely different issue. i have some ideas about it which are related to our supersexy killerwebsite. i'll start a new thread, but not today.


tobi, March 28, 2002 at 7:28:43 PM CET

comments in rss

shouldn't be a big thing to do. i can go through all comments and comments' comments of a story and add these flattened as items to the rss feed. i even could use the same switches as kris suggested in his history macro (only stories, only comments or both). it's just that sometimes i feel there are so many loose ends that i really don't know which one to pick up first. :|


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