Antville Project auf antville-basis

Es freut mich hiermit den Start von bekannt geben zu dürfen, einem auf Antville-basierenden Weblog-Service der Firma Knallgrau New Media Solutions. Derzeit befindet sich das Service noch in der Aufbau-Phase, und daher werden auch sämtliche nun angelegten Weblogs entgeltfrei zur Verfügung gestellt. U.a. planen wir aber zukünftig den Betrieb von Weblogs unter einer eigenen Domain, sowie auch den Betrieb von sogenannten "geschlossenen" Weblogs anzubieten. Alles Nähere dann aber auf

At this point i only wanted to submit a (more or less complete) list of changes we did on the antville-source code for twoday (besides the modifications of the layout and the general translation to german):

  1. added url-property to site in order to store customized URLs; this allows weblogs to become available under their own domain (after configuring Apache accordingly)
  2. implemented a new story-editor based on this Thread here (thanks to 'InterfaceDesigner', whoever she is);
  3. moved all non-site-processes (login, register, create new site) into a popup, which is *not* customizable by the owner of a site
  4. added argument 'fallback' to image-macro: in order to display a default weblog-icon
  5. added global function crop which takes an image and automaticalle resizes & crops an image to the desired size; this is used so that users who are not familiar with resizing & cropping can also easily upload their header-images and icon-images
  6. added "image/x-icon" as additional allowed image type to upload
  7. slightly changed behavior of, and param.more for commentcounter-macro; and now do not automatically prepend "0", resp "1" before the text
  8. added title_macro for topics
  9. commentlink-macro ("place your comment") is just displayed if user is already logged in
  10. added global renderInputRadio()-function
  11. added filesize-property for image; added getDiskUsage() for site; added quota-restrictions for uploading images & files; added diskusage-info to sysmgr
  12. modified global/formatTimestamp(): added format='verbose' which uses getAge()
  13. added parameter "limit" to site/title_macro for clipping (site/macros.js)
  14. implemented activation of user accounts; (users receive an email with an activation link, resp. code which confirms the validity of their email-adress)
  15. implemented getStoryByID() function on root-level in order to get rid of the (possibly very large) storiesByID-container
  16. added messages to syslog when adding a new user or a new site

Please let me know, which of the above (if any) you think should become part of Antville, i.e. which of the changes should be submited to the CVS. A big shout-out to the honorable and brave Antville-developers for providing such a wonderful piece of software! Thanks again!


meisterkoechin, February 2, 2003 at 9:15:00 PM CET

Does that mean..

you will get a little money for all the great work you've done? :-)


hns, February 3, 2003 at 3:57:01 PM CET

Re: Does that mean..

No, it rather means Antville gets new co-developers and contributors. Nobody of the "original" Antville team (Robert, Tobi, me) is involved with But it's also true that nobody will get rich from 5 € per month.


... comment
robert, February 3, 2003 at 12:11:31 AM CET

Re: auf antville-basis

first of all: congrats! nice to see that. regarding your changes: i'd say the following is interesting for the main branch of antville: 6, 7,11,13,16. and could you explain what 5 does exactly resp. post the code?

login/register-popups is something i personally don't like (as i don't like popups at all), so i'm -1.


nex, February 3, 2003 at 4:53:43 AM CET

Re: Re: auf antville-basis

... and could you explain what 5 does exactly resp. post the code?
this just made me ask myself why the antville licence isn't copyleft-ish? then i thought, it would be smarter to ask you (robert), so there :-)

and i'm afraid i can't go on without pointing out that webster says that 'respectively' means either 'in particular', or 'in the order given'. oxford gives a subset of this, in spite of being more verbose: 'in the same order as the people or things already mentioned.' whew, i'm feeling better now.

and for michi i've got a suggestion for improvement. compare that to this. by the way, i'm for hire at the moment, do you need some help at knallgrau? :-)


michi, February 3, 2003 at 9:44:16 AM CET

Re: Re: auf antville-basis

ad nex: i'm afraid we do not offer a job for nitpickers (yet). any other skills you can offer besides that :-)


michi, February 3, 2003 at 10:07:02 AM CET


to robert ad 7: if this is updated to, most of the customized skins would be broken; "0 Kommentare" becomes " Kommentare". just wanted to let you know. ad 5: if you upload for example an image named 'icon' it will be automatically resized/cropped to 48x48. just resizing it, would produce ugly deformations as can be seen on most of the personal images at for example. so, the image is first resized and then cropped. the code is pretty straight forward, and i'll send it to you via eMail.


nex, February 3, 2003 at 1:41:38 PM CET


ooooh, pity, i'd like soooo much to be a professional part-time nitpicker. besides that, i just do the usual stuff, Java (/2EE) C C++ Perl JSP (PL/)SQL etc. and i guess i'd pretty much refuse to expand past experiences with C#, ASP(.NET), VBA, COM and CORBA yuck ;-)

by the way, knallgrau isn't in any way related to silbergrau and/or blaugrau, or is it? (the diversity of austrian IT businesses confuses me.)


hns, February 3, 2003 at 4:02:11 PM CET

@nex Re: copyleft

Using GPL for web applications is nearly useless, since you can run modified/enhanced versions without publishing the modifications/enhancements. You're only bound to distribute your changes in source code if you distribute the software itself, but you can run a web service for millions of people without distributing the server software.

But it's also a deliberate decision to be as business-friendly as possible, i.e. to let people do whatever they want with the code with very very few restrictions. This is the Apache school of thought, which as the GNU school of thoughts has lots of followers and fans. It's basically a matter of trust in the fact that not everybody out there is out to screw you over.


nex, February 3, 2003 at 7:07:48 PM CET

Re: @nex Re: copyleft

interesting point about the difference between cient-side apps and web apps, haven't thought of that before. or generally about what licence i'd use, because i couldn't decide that myself when i worked on commercial software, and my private projects aren't that far yet.

anyway, i've used several apache/jakarta sub-projects myself and quite like the license. RMS would protest, but i'm very okay with that ;-)


... comment
michi, February 3, 2003 at 9:39:21 AM CET


before this leads to any more confusion: is not affiliated with the owners of, and this new service has therefore nothing to do with the upcoming new server for! so, dear antville community, no need to worry :-)


... comment
Chronistin, February 3, 2003 at 11:17:34 AM CET


logging in to kicks you out of & vice versa. i understand why this happens (i think), but it's not very convenient.


michi, February 3, 2003 at 12:28:17 PM CET


hm, das kann ich mir aber nur schwer vorstellen, da wir ja ganz andere cookieDomains verwenden. koenntest du das bitte nochmals ueberpruefen (da ich dieses Verhalten nicht nachvollziehen kann), und falls dem tatsaechlich so ist, sagen welchen Browser du verwendest. danke.


Chronistin, February 4, 2003 at 12:13:38 AM CET


kann das Problem jetzt nicht mehr nachvollziehen. Seltsam, weil ich hier nie etwas Bug nenne, ohne mehrfach zu testen, seit ich das zweite Mal unter den teppich kreichen musste. Macht aber nix, Hauptsache es funkt.


... comment
hns, February 3, 2003 at 4:05:03 PM CET

I really like the story editor

It's just so much clearer and easier to use than what we have.

I'm +1 on adopting it for the Antville code base.


kris, February 3, 2003 at 9:20:49 PM CET


are the defauft templates copyrightet? i like them more than the original ones.


hns, February 4, 2003 at 6:05:33 PM CET

Re: I really like the story editor

Michi, are there any changes needed in the story create/edit code to adopt to the story editor?


michi, February 4, 2003 at 6:45:54 PM CET


well, i managed to leave the evalStory() and evalNewStory() untouched, and "preprocess" the form accordingly before these functions are called. i collected (hopefully) all the relevant changes regarding the story editor here: StoryEditorDiffs (text/plain, 6 KB)

(i hope the diff's are somewhat readable for you; there is no sexy webinterface i can offer you like adele does)


... comment
hns, February 4, 2003 at 6:02:50 PM CET

site url

I also really want 1. This is how you did it, right? Can we get that into the Antville code base?


michi, February 4, 2003 at 6:59:27 PM CET

Re: site url

basically yes, except that

  1. i do not store the "http://" in the property, but rather prepend it in the site/
  2. i use a different naming for the macro
  3. the macro delivers this.alias+"."+getProperty("domain") as a default (i.e. produces for example


michi, February 4, 2003 at 8:51:15 PM CET


well, there is one small, but quite problematic issue remaining when thinking about running multiple domains with antville: the cookieDomain! if you want to have users run their weblog under a certain subdomain, but don't want to force them to login for each seperate subdomain, it is necessary (like it is done on to set the cookieDomain to sthg like but this does not work for the sites running under a seperate domain, since cookies with a different cookieDomain than the requested Domain are afaik generally prohibited. so, my first solution would have been to run 2 seperate instances of the antville-application which share the same code base and same database, but then they would have to use a different object caches, which leads to troubles. so, the question is: is there any possibility at all of making the setting of the cookieDomain scriptable from within the application?


hns, February 5, 2003 at 2:27:57 PM CET

Re: site url

Since 1.2 pre4 there is a way for manually setting the cookie domain. These are the setCookie() functions available in the response object:

res.setCookie (String key, String value)

res.setCookie (String key, String value, int days)

res.setCookie (String key, String value, int days, String path)

res.setCookie (String key, String value, int days, String path, String domain)

However, things are different for the HopSession cookie, which is set automatically. I'll do a quick check to see if Jetty is smart enough to reject invalid cookie domains...


... comment
michi, February 4, 2003 at 7:28:39 PM CET

diffs for 6, 7, 11, 16...

...are here: 2dayDiffs (text/plain, 4 KB)

my implementation of getDiskusage() might become a performance issue on, if used to extensively, and might need some rethinking.


robert, February 4, 2003 at 8:34:03 PM CET

Re: diffs for 6, 7, 11, 16...

ad 11) why don't you use rawimage.getContentLength() for getting the size of the image instead of creating a file-object?

ad diskUsage(): what about a new property for site which gets incremented with every image/file-upload and decremented with every file/image-delete? actually i think two properties (one for images, one for files) would be even better (then we could display this in sysmgr too).


michi, February 4, 2003 at 8:55:09 PM CET

Re: diffs for 6, 7, 11, 16...

ad 11) ..because the image usually gets resized, and therefore the actuall storage size tends to be quite a bit smaller than the uploaded image itself

ad diskUsage: yes, this would be definitely the way to go


... comment

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