Antville Project

system management

i just committed an updated version of antville into helma CVS:

  • private weblogs will not appear anymore in the weblog-list on the frontpage (also not here). that means that private weblogs are now "really" private, but: there now is an auto-cleanup mechanism that checks how long they have been private. if for too long the creator will get a warning via mail. if the weblog is not set public within some days, it will be blocked - that means that nobody except sysadmins can access it anymore. plus, there is now a special kind of "trusted" weblog that can stay private for unlimited time. it's up to the sysadmins to decide which weblogs are "trusted".
  • antville is now capable to dispose inactive weblogs: if they're idle for too long, they're deleted completely. both cleaning mechanisms, blocker and disposer, are fully configurable: if and when to run, how much days before sending warn-mails etc. to configure them one has to edit the file (both auto-cleaner are disabled by default).
  • from now on users can be defined as "trusted", which for now has the only effect that those weblogs that they create are also "trusted". but i'm thinking about implementing something so that sysadmins can limit the creation of new weblogs just to trusted users.
  • those accounts that are defined as sysadmins now have a tool to search for weblogs and users, to modify them (i.e. change status to trusted) or to delete weblogs.
  • every maintenance-action done by sysadmins is stored in a log-table in database, and this log can be searched too. also the things the auto-cleanup-mechanism does are logged.
  • and the smaller changes are: i switched to use helma's new md5Encoder instead of using a javascript-library, and removed the "Antville" from all weblog-related pagetitles, plus some minor bugfixes and code-cleanups.

so much for now, i'll see that i can do the update here on tonight.

i'd say here at we limit the time for private weblogs to 4 days (then they get the warning mail), plus three days - and afterwards the weblogs are blocked. or is this too short? inactive weblogs should be removed after 100 days (the mail in that case would be sent 1 week before removal). what ya say?


hns, March 27, 2002 at 7:46:02 PM CET
every maintenance-action done by sysadmins is stored in a log-table in database, and this log can be searched too. also the things the auto-cleanup-mechanism does are logged.
That's the best part, I think. Gives you a nice feeling of knowing what's going on. Maybe also record some other things like creation of new weblogs in the sys-log table?
and the smaller changes are: i switched to use helma's new md5Encoder instead of using a javascript-library, and removed the "Antville" from all weblog-related pagetitles, plus some minor bugfixes and code-cleanups.
I think that the Java class creates slightly different digests than the JavaScript code, so it's possible that permanent cookies stop working when we update. (Didn't confirm this for Antville, but I noticed it while messing around with the /manage application yesterday.)



robert, March 27, 2002 at 7:57:58 PM CET


both the javascript-library used before and helma's build in md5-encoder produce the same output (just tested it).

i think the antville system manager has one bigger problem right now: you need at least one sysadmin, and now this first admin can only be defined by changing the flag directly in the database. i didn't find any nice way to do it, any idea?


hns, March 27, 2002 at 8:06:12 PM CET


the first user that registers on a fresh antville server is made admin? this should be the right thing to do in almost all cases (would be strange to set up a server and than not register to see if it works).


robert, March 27, 2002 at 8:10:36 PM CET

thought about that

but it seemed strange to me, can't exactly say why, although this definetly would be a possibility.


... comment
tobi, March 27, 2002 at 7:53:29 PM CET

kewl, robert!

that sounds like quite some work and very exciting!

i just got surprised by the cleaning woman: are inactive weblogs really completely deleted? uh-oh...

and how about a private trial time of 30 days (it's not unusual)?


robert, March 27, 2002 at 8:03:36 PM CET

30 days is imho too long, i'd say a maximum of 2 weeks. and btw. i forgot: sysadmins can now enter private weblogs, and they're allowed to post comments in them.

and yes, the cleanup woman does a real cleanup (afaik the only thing that is left are the directories where goodies and images were stored before). but that's why everything is disabled by default :-) i was thinking about moving all the stuff to some other tables, but that would mean a lot more coding work.


motzes, March 27, 2002 at 8:08:13 PM CET


sysop becomes a shark? eating and beating. i knew it. just have to look over the screen to the other end of the table. ¿cuatro dias? ¿está loco?


... comment
kris, April 2, 2002 at 4:50:30 PM CEST

but where are these functions?

i found a couple of setting in the properties file. but:

  • where can i define who is admin?
  • where can i change the user status to trusted?
  • where can i limit the creation of new weblogs?

and an unrelated question: what is the antville-indexes.sql good for?


robert, April 3, 2002 at 3:32:25 PM CEST

ad admin-definition: the first admin has to be defined directly in database (i didn't have the time to do something nicer 'til now), so log on to your database, choose antville and do the following: update user set issysadmin = 1 where username = 'myfirstadminusernamehere';

from then on you can use the admin-console (/manage), and to add another admin simply edit the chosen user.

ad trusted users: same as above: in admin-console search for the username, edit the user and set trusted to "yes".

ad limiting of weblog-creation: didn't have the time to do this tambien (until now). wanna do it yourself?

ad antville-indexes.sql: this sql-script creates indexes on frequently used columns, so that db-access is faster. this won't speed up antville if the database is very small, but it definetly will do if your database grows.


kris, April 3, 2002 at 3:59:01 PM CEST


i will take a look at the limiting and see if it is easy. a skin editor would be nice, too. maybe i can modify the one for regular sites.


... comment

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