Antville Project

Recently modified?

If you post a story title which contains a link, then you find a link to the URL instead of a link to the post in your recently-modified-box. (I post it here because I don't know if someone has noticed it before. It's no problem, but it does not make sense in the box, I guess.)


nex, February 5, 2003 at 12:16:46 AM CET

Re: Recently modified?

ah, yes, i noticed that, but wanted to work out a fix myself because i had already posted three bug reports in a row, and then i forgot about it. maybe i'll manage tomorrow...

(yes, a fix could be hacked together quickly, but methinks we need to decide for each possible tag wheter it is allowed in the recently modified box.)


... comment
michi, February 5, 2003 at 9:25:06 PM CET


...while looking at this I found it kind of strange, that the content-parts in the recently-modified list are rendered as a skin, and not just rendered as plain text (i.e. apply stripTags on it). this might also be a performance issue, since each call of a page of, triggers 20 calls of getRenderedContentPart() just to display the 10stories (title+text) of the recently-modified list. so, i would suggest the following: historyDiffs (text/plain, 1 KB)

i.e. add an additional parameter "plaintext" to content_macro, and use it in the story/

this would also solve Irene's problem. what do you think?


michi, February 5, 2003 at 10:09:37 PM CET

Re: proposal

hm, just did some testing, and it turned out that using the caching-mechanism of getRenderContentPart() is actually faster than my proposal. i guess, i will have to rethink this again.


... comment

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