Antville Project

topics or link macro broken?

say, do you see only "about antville" links in this topic, too? or is it just me? i think it should be "download" or whatever and link to somewhere else but the disclaimer... weird. what happen? somebody set up us the bomb?


robert, March 28, 2002 at 11:46:30 AM CET

that's one of the funniest bugs i've seen lately ;-)) unfortunately i have to leave now for two hours or so, can you have a look what's wrong? since the story looks fine, i assume there's a parent-problem or the like ...


tobi, March 28, 2002 at 1:26:51 PM CET

was out for lunch myself, but will now take a look and do my best... :)


... comment
hns, March 28, 2002 at 1:36:17 PM CET

I saw the same thing yesterday

After I saved the story the problem went and the story displayed as it should (just like it does right now) but obviously it's a recurring problem.


tobi, March 28, 2002 at 1:43:54 PM CET

yes, links in new stories appear ok, and those in old stories become "repaired" after saving them again. still diggin'.


... comment
hns, March 28, 2002 at 1:43:33 PM CET

OK, I think I know what the problem is

link_macro in global/macros.js goes like this:


But if this is called for a story within a topic and the story's main action is invoked, link_macro is called on the topic object instead of the weblog object, and link_macro in the topic object renders a link to the topic.

The right thing to do in the global link macro would be

if (path.weblog) path weblog.link_macro (param); else root.link_macro (param);

(right? not 100% sure about that, but if I get it right, that's what the code tries to do.)


hns, March 28, 2002 at 1:46:24 PM CET

Wait, that's bullshit

the topic prototype doesn't even have a link_macro function defined...


tobi, March 28, 2002 at 1:46:25 PM CET

does this explain why it works after saving such a corrupted story? i also created a new topic with a link and it appeared to be ok...


tobi, March 28, 2002 at 1:48:34 PM CET

ad link_macro in topic

oh yes, it has: every hopobject has due to hopobject/macros.js...


hns, March 28, 2002 at 1:54:42 PM CET

I can reproduce it now

It happens when a link macro is rendered when viewing a topic, i.e. when the link macro is called on the topicmanager topic.


tobi, March 28, 2002 at 1:58:14 PM CET


can you please give an example, i just can't find any mad link desease right now...


hns, March 28, 2002 at 2:00:04 PM CET

It's easier when run your own antville server

  1. create a story within a topic that contains a link macro
  2. restart Helma (or flush the cache)
  3. view the topic which contains the story with the link macro.


hns, March 28, 2002 at 2:07:18 PM CET

OK, now I have it (really this time)

the day prototype overwrites the link_macro function to link to itself, and when viewing a day or a topic, the link_macro in day or topic is called instead of the one defined in hopobject.

The real issue here is that this is a OO design error. link_macro should not be in hopobject, because it's not a function on hopobjects. it's a global function. So the work to create a link should best be done right in the global link_macro function.

I think this is a problem that occurs in some places in Antville, and should be refactored eventually. E.g., function isStoryOnline in prototype weblog should be refactored as function isOnline in prototype story.


robert, March 28, 2002 at 3:47:28 PM CET

oh oh

just came back. yes henso, your're right: there are some design errors in antville that cry for fixing. i think it's time to clean up the code.


hns, March 28, 2002 at 3:56:05 PM CET

It's not that bad

but it's good to always keep improving (which I should be doing now for Helma, where things are much worse ;-)


robert, March 28, 2002 at 4:01:17 PM CET

i hope it's not that bad, but

design errors hurt more than simple bugs ;-) anyway, i think now is a good time for cleanup before the next (big) features are implemented ....


hns, March 28, 2002 at 5:49:54 PM CET


design errors are a necessity of doing anything! If they'd hurt, I'd be dead by now.


... comment

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