Antville Project

Switching from Jetty to Apache


I just have installed tomcat and connected it to Apache via mod_jk. It works fine, now my question: how do I change to Apache as the Antclick/Antville-Server?

I will post a summary of switching from Jetty to Apache on antville, including installing and configuring tomcat and mod_jk.

Thank you!


nex, February 16, 2003 at 7:29:56 AM CET

use the search box, luke!

as antville runs on top of / inside helma, the latter is what you actually want to make work with apache and tomat. i don't recall how to do this, but a quick search retrieves some pages that might be of help to you:

ps: antclick doesn't run on apache by definition ;-)


robert, February 16, 2003 at 11:26:36 AM CET

short howto

first, you don't need tomcat. helma has jetty built in, and jetty has an ajp13-connector so you can directly connect apache with jetty via mod_jk.

so follow and after that you might want to include rewrite-rules in your httpd.conf for sending just those requests that should be handled by helma via mod_jk to it, but let apache handle the static files (images, goodies ...) eg. put rewrite rules like these into your httpd.conf:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule   ^/antville/images(.*)     /antville/images$1 [L]
RewriteRule   ^/antville/files(.*)      /antville/files$1  [L]
RewriteRule   ^/(.*)                    /helma/$1           [L,PT]

this means that all requests for images and files will be handled by apache (since they are not helma's business), but all other requests will be sent to helma (via mod_jk, assuming that you have a JkMount which is called /helma).


Boolean, February 16, 2003 at 12:25:58 PM CET

Thank you,

nex and robert. Regarding this paragraph:

  1. edit your helma start script by adding the option "-jk 8009" to it: java -classpath [jars] helma.main.Server -w [web-port] -x [xmlrpc-port] -jk 8009 (you eventually could leave away the -w option now.)

this line isn't included in Instead I modified:



hop tells me there is already a server running on port 80. This apparently is apache, but I thought it will automagically ok thanks to the connector. Any ideas? Thanks!


robert, February 16, 2003 at 12:54:42 PM CET

comment out the option HTTP_PORT=80, then everything will work fine. you don't need two webservers on one port, one will be enough ;-)


Boolean, February 16, 2003 at 7:59:14 PM CET

Thanks again!

[dumb me].. of course you're right, robert. I also got my JkMount wrong, but thats now over. Now I just have to find the admin-entrypoint again, the one you get to if you install antville for the first time... onto the searchbox!


nex, February 18, 2003 at 5:34:25 AM CET

re: short howto

sorry Boolean, i was thinking along too complicated lines. i thought you knew about the application container alternatives and explicitly wanted to use tomcat for some reason, as you mentioned "switching from jetty to apache". however, i can confirm that it runs very fine without :-)


helmi2003, March 27, 2003 at 11:01:28 PM CET

/helma/ not found

maybe i did something wrong but i exactly get this error message "/helma/" not found on the server wich is listed on the end of the mailing-list-articel... any idea?


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