Antville Project

Antville and Virtual Hosts

Hello, its me again, the guy with the bugging questions.

My first question: How do I handle virtual hosts with antville and apache? I.e. I've got domain1 and domain2, plus 1 running instance of antville with weblog1 and weblog2. How do I point domain1 to weblog1 and domain2 to weblog2 directly? Via RewriteRules in the Virtual Hosts Section of httpd.conf?

And, secondly, how do I access the Admin-Pages which were present when I first installed antville? The 2 pages where you set the most basic preferences for the whole antville-server.

I looked up both questions on and, to no avail. I would like to write an step-by-step-instruction for installing antville, connecting it to apache and so forth.

Thanks again for your latest answers on different topics, you helped me a lot!


robert, February 17, 2003 at 2:05:48 PM CET

ad virtual hosts: yes, you have to use rewriting rules within every virtual host directive. the following rule might work (didn't test it):

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule   ^(.*)   /helma/antville/weblog$1   [L,PT]

of course this won't influence the urls generated by antville, so you'll need to change some more stuff. hns once described the setup of, see this might help you further.

ad admin-pages: the whole admin-area is located under [url-of-antville]. There on the right you'll find a link to "setup" (/manage/setup).


... comment
hns, February 17, 2003 at 4:17:39 PM CET


Antville doesn't support true multi-domain hosting. You can map multiple virtual servers to multiple antville weblogs, but the weblogs themselves will always think of themselves as belonging to the one main domain.

The good news is that Michi Platzer of knallgrau has patches for both Helma and Antville to make it work, as this weblog running on shows. However, none of these patches are currently in CVS (yet).


nex, February 18, 2003 at 5:50:35 AM CET

wow, this is very cool. does that mean that it will be possible to have an blog 'in' another domain?


hns, February 18, 2003 at 11:22:41 AM CET

not on, but in other places possibly, yes.


... comment

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