Antville Project

cool! (and a missing tag)

i just noticed the new image manager. great! what are your further plans? because i have some ideas. (like automatically linking the thumbs to an image.main skin :-)

and the skin for image.edit lacks the closing "table" tag. or maybe you wrote "form" instead of "table".


kris, August 17, 2001 at 1:16:59 AM CEST

more ideas

does the software behind the image manager allow simple image manipulations? like reflections and rotations by 90/180/270 degree?

if so, you could easily extend antville to build online photo galleries, which is could be a nice helma-example for those who can't relate to the whole weblogs/newssite thing.


tobi, August 21, 2001 at 3:07:12 PM CEST

image processing

thanks to hannes, with the latest snapshot (helma-20010820.jar) helma provides an easy (well, at least easier) way to process images:

the image constructor is extended with a second parameter acting as imagefilter:

new Image(url, filter)

such a filter is created by directly accessing the jimi filters package:

Here's an example for 90° ccw rotation:

var img = new Image("eleph.antville.organtville/eleph/dili.jpg"); var rotator = new; var processed = new Image(img, rotator); processed.saveAs("/path/to/static/processed.jpg"); res.write("<img src="/static/processed.jpg&gt;");

other filters need a slightly different approach, e.g. flipping. Here a new function getSource() is introduced to provide the right image class for the filter:

var img = new Image("eleph.antville.organtville/eleph/dili.jpg"); var filter =; var flipper = new filter.Flip(img.getSource(), 1); var processed = new Image(img, flipper); processed.saveAs("/path/to/static/processed.jpg"); res.write("<img src="/static/processed.jpg&gt;");

if you are more interested in image processing with helma, i can provide a little example application.


kris, August 21, 2001 at 3:49:58 PM CEST


i need to do my personal stuff at the moment, but i keep it in mind.


tobi, August 21, 2001 at 4:50:07 PM CEST

you mean

your other bunch of weblogs... ;->


kris, August 21, 2001 at 9:05:58 PM CEST


...don't tell this my boss, m'kay?


... comment
hns, August 17, 2001 at 2:02:42 PM CEST

What I think would be cool

is to allow people to include pictures in story and then have a lil' javascript popup to see the big version, like on orf on.


robert, August 17, 2001 at 4:17:40 PM CEST

right you are

i think with the next update one will be able to embed thumbnails also in stories. from there to a popup it's only a small step ;-)


... comment
robert, August 17, 2001 at 4:19:49 PM CEST


i'll add the missing tag, and embedding the thumbnails will also be implemented in the next update.


kris, August 17, 2001 at 5:08:54 PM CEST

can you inform us

about new versions? i have overwritten almost everything and so i notice changes only accidently. just a quick note is sufficient.


robert, August 17, 2001 at 7:42:55 PM CEST


actually i didn't plan to do the update yesterday, but it was a nice evening in hns's office, and shortly before leaving we made the update. i think from now on every update will be described here shortly afterwords, is this ok? (did it several times before, just missed it yesterday :)


... comment

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