Antville Project

Test feature: browsable DHTML archive

While working on folder support over the weekend and got lost in some fancy DHTML code to browse folders. Following a spontaneous impulse, I thought it would be nice to have that kind of DHTML browsing on weblogs, too. I'm not sure now, however you can check it out by appending "/archive" to the URLs of all weblogs here on (e.g. The browser side script should run on IE and Mozilla. I doubt whether it will run in any other browser. Feedback and bug reports/fixes welcome.

Update: works for topics, too.


dieguteseite, March 3, 2003 at 4:26:48 PM CET


das sieht ja super aus. :-o


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docbuelle, March 3, 2003 at 5:22:05 PM CET

it doesn't seem to work with IE 5.1.6 (Macintosh OS 8.6) - but the icons look nice :-) But: I am perfectly satisfied with your macro "site.monthlist", which - for me - is more than enough to show the archives.


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Chronistin, March 3, 2003 at 5:48:56 PM CET

coole sache!

könnte man das auf die topics auch anwenden?


hns, March 3, 2003 at 6:56:17 PM CET


I updated the scripts to improve months listings.

docbuelle: Yep, IE/mac is a dog in regard to DHTML. It's already hard enough to make it work on IE/win and Mozilla. I guess Safari won't work either, at least konqueror, which uses the same rendering technology does not work for me.

Chronistin: Yeps.


hr, March 3, 2003 at 7:09:37 PM CET


it doesnt work in safari. but also not in chimera 0.6.


Chronistin, March 3, 2003 at 10:47:05 PM CET


i like that. it is a nice graphical way to show the hierarchy, and i love that the number of stories within a date/topic is shown! too bad it doesn't work for everybody...


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nex, March 3, 2003 at 7:31:21 PM CET

hierarchial topic structures would be great, cool that you're working on it!

the /archive page puts a second <head> element inside the <body>, maybe that's the reason why my browser is confused.


hns, March 3, 2003 at 7:53:30 PM CET

There's currently no way to add stuff to the <head>

which is kind of a problem, I guess.


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robert, March 4, 2003 at 12:41:21 AM CET


not sure about it. while this would open new possibilities for navigating through any hierarchical structure in antville, i know it will also open up a load of client side problems (due to incompatibilities) which are really hard to solve (i already made my lessons concerning dhtml). most of the time you'll face the fact that you have to offer the fancy dhtml version and the plain html version for browsers that don't understand it, so you have at least maintenance * 2 (not counting the differences in dhtml-implementation of various browsers) plus a browser detection. and since this would be a really important navigation inside an antville site you are forced to keep backwards compatibility.

so basically i'm -1, although i like the visibility of it. nevertheless i would like to stick with the idea of browsing folders like that, just without the dhtml-stuff. at least as the main branch of antville is concerned.


tobi, March 4, 2003 at 9:08:59 AM CET

why re-invent the wheel?

afaik there's already a bunch of dhtml scripts out there that exactly do what hannes is presenting here. probably the most interesting one being activerenderer because it renders xml files into a dhtml tree structure (even though the opml format might be a little dubious). and unfortunately, this only works with radio userland...

i did not evaluate if this api is cross-browser capable. but i am sure such scripts do exist and if we want to use such a cool navigation in antville we should get it from somewhere out there and only adapt it to antville's environment.

so +1 for the general idea, -1 for developing it ourselves.


hns, March 4, 2003 at 12:03:18 PM CET


I didn't even mean to add this to antville CVS, at least not to the main branch. I was mainly interested what users would say.


robert, March 4, 2003 at 1:27:45 PM CET


then i got you wrong. nevertheless i think in the moment antville supports folders a navigation like yours would be really nice, i'm just sceptical reg. dhtml.


nex, March 4, 2003 at 2:42:53 PM CET

back to the classics

I agree totally with robert: the world isn't ready for DHTML yet; the browser wars have totally ruined the technology and it will take some time until the majority of browsers will be reasonably compatible with ECMA, DOM etc. I'd also do it all on the server side.

Regarding browser detection: It's not only much more work, it's downright evil. It's not okay to contribute to shady corporate politics of big monopolists by spoonfeeding their browsers with something they can digest, while flipping users of every other browser the finger. I wouldn't recommend to do this: "Konqueror? Fuck off, you freak, we don't support you."


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jeanluc, March 4, 2003 at 1:47:43 PM CET

nich schläecht

mozilla 1.1a auf macos 9.2 auf 10.2 nehm ich kompaß* - das weichgezeichne stört, der ist nicht so sauber und hat keine tabs.

*) safari


digitalistbesser, March 4, 2003 at 2:37:56 PM CET


ist sehr groß, noch wichtiger als das mit dem datum.. find' ich. und, öhm, könnte ja auch html sein.


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hns, March 4, 2003 at 3:44:49 PM CET

I did some more work on it

In addition to IE6/Mozilla it now works on IE5/Win, Opera 7/Win, and somewhat even on Konqueror (but don't close any top-level folders on Konq, you'll crash ;-)

OK, back to real work now!


xyll, March 4, 2003 at 5:10:09 PM CET

Konq works for me

Version 3.0.4


hns, March 4, 2003 at 5:13:05 PM CET


but only because I applied a trick (I'm reloading the page if we're in konqueror or safari). I've removed that workaround now, so I guess it doesn't work anymore. However, you can probably make it work by manually reloading the page after opening a folder.


hns, March 4, 2003 at 6:38:33 PM CET


It's working on IE5/MacOSX and Mozilla/MacOSX, as I hear and see. Negative for Safari (although it looks very nice, but folder contents aren't loaded).


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kohlehydrat, June 7, 2003 at 12:04:42 PM CEST


aren't in antclick?


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