Antville Project

statistics anyone?

will there any site statistics be implemented in antville, like referrer log or most read stories? (not to mention antlog rankings...)

i would like to see such features in antville and certainly i am also willing to do it. if anyone wants to collaborate or add suggestions, just shout.


hns, December 3, 2001 at 1:43:44 PM CET

I don't have the time

to help you but I'm definitely +1 on having this.


... comment
motzes, December 3, 2001 at 3:39:36 PM CET




Chronistin, December 3, 2001 at 4:01:07 PM CET

jetzt hab ich doch glatt...

... im spanischbuch nachgeschaut, bevor ich diesen comment entziffern konnte gg

ich fänd's toll, vor allem referrerlogs.


motzes, December 3, 2001 at 4:06:44 PM CET


en castellano - más o menos - : (de la) putissima (de) quota. man muss es irgendwie ja steigern. en plural kannst du es dir ja vorstellen :)


... comment
robert, December 3, 2001 at 4:07:34 PM CET

si si!

nice thing to have, go ahead! i'd imagine implementing something like a statmgr that handles all those stats in various collections. i'm not sure about referer-logs (because of the amount of data and antville's performance, although this would be very nice to have), but antlog ranks or most read stories shouldn't be that hard to do ...


... comment
tobi, December 10, 2001 at 6:31:56 PM CET


an overview of the most read stories is available now. i checked in the code to cvs and also derived a version compatible with this old antville mutha: e.g.


robert, December 10, 2001 at 8:52:04 PM CET


the return of the "quote" :-) seriously, that's nice. just one idea: since now every story-view means one update in database it's pretty "expensive" in terms of performance. i think it would be better to use story.cache for incrementing the reads-counter and store it in database every 10 hits or so. this might lead to loosing some hits when ev. a story is purged from helma's object-cache, but it would cost much less performance.


tobi, December 11, 2001 at 11:11:13 AM CET

quota is a broadcast term

well, there are definitely weblog quotensäue out there. but honestly, when writing to the public address in internet times it should be everyone's interest to know one's readers and these reader's behaviours. this is just one first tiny step.

regarding the performance, i was not aware that the way i did it is an expensive method. your suggestion sounds reasonable to me.


robert, December 11, 2001 at 11:16:55 AM CET

don't get me wrong, i was just kiddin'. stats are definetly interesting and necessary, so i'm really happy that you started implementing it.


... comment

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