Antville Project

recently box | opera 7.01

yesterday and today morning it looked fine and now its messed up again - but not at the project blog what happened or do i have to change my skin? have a look:

thx for any suggestions, mark0


meisterkoechin, March 11, 2003 at 10:24:52 AM CET

I had a similar problem

with <a href=""target="_blank">opera 7.02.

Changing (in "main skin")


For details see <a href=""target="_blank">here.

Funnily enough the recent modified box looks fine on some pages, on others it doesn't. Weird. Very weird.


nex, March 11, 2003 at 2:29:56 PM CET

burn tables, burn!

As I already explained in a comment on this solution, this may help with Opera 7.02, but doesn't actually fix any problem. In the easa blog, the class 'statusdark' doesn't have any width assigned to it, so the proposed change shouldn't accomplish anything.

By the way, I have no idea what the problem with easa is. In meisterkoechin's blog I noticed that a 200px wide table was put inside a 198px wide table cell, but that's not the problem with easa. However, what I know for sure is that usign tables for layouting purposes is wrong, evil and causes trouble. And there's no reason to use nested ones at all. Better make some nicer skins :-)

For example, the skin for an item in my 'recently modified box' is as follows:

[Macro not allowed in sandbox: comment.content] ( [Macro not allowed in sandbox: comment.creator] ,  [Macro not allowed in sandbox: comment.modifytime] )

[Macro not allowed in sandbox: comment.content]

Of course there are style definitions to complement this: h3 { font-family: [Macro not allowed in sandbox: layout.titlefont] ; font-size: 16px; color: [Macro not allowed in sandbox: layout.textcolor] ; font-weight: bold; margin: 0px 0px 4px 0px; }

.small { color: [Macro not allowed in sandbox: layout.smallcolor] ; font-family: [Macro not allowed in sandbox: layout.smallfont] ; font-size: [Macro not allowed in sandbox: layout.smallsize] ; } This is much simpler and works fine in any browser. If you want to do this, you have to get rid of the table framework in the enclosing skin.

Note that this is just an example. The <h3> makes sense because I also make appropriate use of <h1> and <h2> on my site, which easa doesn't.


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