Antville Project

Date of offline stories

(I'm another very happy and impressed user)

My site is a little different than most, I post science stories rather than a personal diary. I aim to post one story a day, and find it handy to keep a few stories in reserve for when I need them - so I create the stories and leave them "offline"

But when I place them online, they have the date of creation - is there anyway of changing the date of a story


hns, April 8, 2002 at 9:59:34 AM CEST

I'm willing to add this feature

as a morning warm up exercise. Could somebody update me about Helma Date parsing? ;-) Otherwise I'll have to look that up myself.

I think this should be optional, i.e. I'll just implement the necessary functionality and won't put it in the standard story editor skin, but I'll leave that decision up to Robert and the Antville community at large.

Robert, do you see any problems with having this feature?


robert, April 8, 2002 at 10:20:22 AM CEST


i don't see any problems with that. regarding date-parsing, i always used SimpleDateFormat() and tryEval() for parsing, looked like the easiest way to do it. and thanks for taking the job!


hns, April 8, 2002 at 2:18:26 PM CEST


I've implemented this and the changes are in the CVS (but not on in the version running on yet.)

As I said, I didn't actually touch the story/, so new weblogs don't have the createtime editor field by default. To enable it, you have to add this to your story/edit skin:

<tr> <td class="small">story timestamp:</td> <td nowrap><% this.createtime as="editor" %></td> </tr>

From what I saw playing around, this could be a very cool feature! I guess we'll want the weblog frontpage not to display stories in the future, but only stories from today or earlier. Me thinks that this would be the desired behaviour both for calendar style websites and ordinary weblogs with post-to-the-future behaviour.


robert, April 8, 2002 at 8:43:01 PM CEST


for implementing that. and yes, the weblog-frontpage shouldn't display stories of the future (nevertheless i think the days in the future carrying stories should be appear as link in the calendar).


kris, April 8, 2002 at 9:39:20 PM CEST

killerfeature!!! whooohooo!

this is the bomb. really. i'm just thinking about all the cool things that could be done with this. imagine a macro, say, <% weblog.futurestorylist days="5" %> for the frontpage. you could use antville for homepages of clubs etc., calendar, weblog, archive, discussion group--everything is possible in one organic site.


hns, April 9, 2002 at 2:07:20 PM CEST


to see you happy. ;-)


kris, April 9, 2002 at 2:26:19 PM CEST



dm42, April 11, 2002 at 3:09:28 PM CEST


i put this in my editor skin, but the createtime field is displayed as text only - will it come up as an input control someday?


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