Antville Project

Changes 2003-03-12

  • all pages with default skins should now validate as xhtml 1.0 compliant .
  • layout, wording and naming have been unified.
  • image and file previews contain more information (image type, file size etc.)
  • added pagelink css class in style skin to customize prevpage and nextpage links.
  • window titles provide more information about the page's contents (e.g. story title, topic name).
  • commentcounter macro displays "no" and "one" parameter as is.
  • storyeditor has now a new layout which is much easier to use
  • linkedpath-macro was fixed
  • usernames can now contain spaces and umlauts
  • story management: code to embed a story is now displayed for copy & paste
  • changed default date-formats and removed the confusing ones
  • link to subscribing a site doesn't appear anymore if subscription is denied (eg. in private sites)
  • "rescue" mechanism for stories and comments was finetuned. if a session times while writing a story users will be redirected back to login form, and after successfully logged in redirected back to the story/comment form already containing the text written before. with this it should be really hard to loose a story/comment.
  • rss-action now has additional parameter "show=all" which includes the comments into the rss-feed.
  • rss only contains e-mail addresses of users who enabled "e-mail is visible" in their profile.
  • system management console now has a status-page showing memory- and request-statistics (plus some more info). system management is linked on the front page if the current user has sysadmin rights.
  • shortcut support was removed from antville core, it's a module now.
  • names of files can now contain spaces, commas, dashes, but *not* umlauts.
  • story timestamps are now rendered correctly with respect to the timezone specified in site preferences.
thanks to robert for the list.


kutter, March 13, 2003 at 4:37:42 PM CET


the commentcounter in my weblog displays no longer any 0 or 1, but only larger numbers of comments (eg. "12 kommentare", but " kommentar"). i guess it's a mistake of my own since no other antlog seems to have similar problems, but i wasn't able to find out how to fix it.


robert, March 13, 2003 at 4:39:27 PM CET

have a look at this comment.


kutter, March 13, 2003 at 4:43:08 PM CET

aaah, merci. it's eeeeasy...


... comment
simons, March 13, 2003 at 5:25:19 PM CET


ja, vielen Dank, vor allem für die Arbeit, die dahinter steckt!

Leider klappt das mit dem "rescue"-mechanism nicht so ganz: ich habe gerade eine halbe Geschichte damit verloren, als ich die Eingabe einer Ergänzung unterbrechen musste und dann später fortsetzte: der erneute Login wurde zwar abgefragt, und danach das Eingabefenster mit dem Altbestand wieder angeboten, aber leider nicht mehr mit dem neuen Content ...


robert, March 13, 2003 at 9:19:19 PM CET


you're right, there's a bug in rescue mechanism, i'm gonna fix it. thanks for the report!


simons, March 14, 2003 at 9:31:55 AM CET

thanks a lot!

today i had a similar situation and the rescue mechanism worked perfect!


robert, March 17, 2003 at 8:38:47 PM CET

nice to hear

that there are problems that solve themselves (because afaik until now nothing was changed here at ;-) seriously, i suspect that it worked because you were writing a new story (in this case the rescue mechanism works fine), but i already fixed the bug that lead to the loss of changes to a story as your experienced. please mind that the changes are in cvs only (so they won't be in place here until the next update).


... comment
johntokyo, March 13, 2003 at 5:27:59 PM CET

the new layout of the storyeditor is great.

i really like the "Publish in topics only"-checkbox. but i have one problem: i´ve been tuning it a little bit to mutch and now i got a "HopMacro error in story.justintopic: "justintopic" is not defined in story]"

when i reseted the "form for creating/editing a story"-skin i got back to the old mode.

why is that so? i want to have the new style again!

could maybe someone post the virgin sourcecode of that skin?



hns, March 13, 2003 at 5:43:36 PM CET

we just switched back to the old code

that's why you get the old editor again.


johntokyo, March 13, 2003 at 5:54:20 PM CET

i understand.

and when will you let us be advantaged by this new invention?


hns, March 14, 2003 at 5:46:17 PM CET

erm... now!

but you knew that already.


... comment

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