Antville Project


seems to me that changes in "preferences" (color of text and links, size of text-font etc.) are not saved anymore (?)


tobi, March 15, 2003 at 11:50:31 AM CET

works fine for me. do you have an e-mail address entered in the corresponding field?


docbuelle, March 15, 2003 at 12:04:33 PM CET

hello, tobi, yes, there is an e-mail-adress entered. I tested this problem in an unchanged weblog of mine, too - same thing there ( It says, that the changes where saved - but they don't show up in the site

BUT: after changing the main-template back to the "old" stylesheet-import-definition it is working again; there might be something wrong with the new stylesheet-import-code in the updated main template ... ?? (I am not an expert in these things, so sorry, if I am wrong)


tobi, March 16, 2003 at 11:42:32 AM CET

shift reload

ok, i think the problem is as nex has described it below. the "new" stylesheet import code loads the css definitions from another url. thus, your browser caches the data behind it and returns it when you request for that very url again. so if you change the preferences and reload a page, you get the cached stylesheet and you will miss the changes you have made.

to avoid this, be sure to make a, er, "hard" reload. that is klicking reload while pushing the "shift" key on your keyboard. with some browsers its the "ctrl" key, btw. that's why i most of the time recommend to use "shift + ctrl + alt + reload"... hope that helps.


docbuelle, March 16, 2003 at 3:16:47 PM CET

@ tobi

thanks for your quick help - today, working with win xp, it worked the way it should - I had not even to force-reload the site to see, what I had changed, it appeared automatically; using a Mac and IE 5, I just had to clean the cache of IE to force a reload of the changed style-sheet and see the difference. Anyway: it IS working :-)


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nex, March 16, 2003 at 12:50:32 AM CET

adding to the rumours:

i experienced something similar several times, but always blamed it on my browser, not on antville. when i was changing around my stylesheet, the changes often wouldn't be reflected in the respective page after reloading. however, if i first re-/loaded the stylesheet on its own in a seperate browser window and the reloaded the page, it looked okay.

obviously, somewhere the stylesheet was chached although it shouldn't have been. must have been my browser's fault, because it's an external stylesheet and helma doesn't see how i requested it.


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hns, March 17, 2003 at 5:16:25 PM CET

this seems to be a bug in site/stylesheet_action()

which says


which is wrong, because it also depends on the preferences.

No, wait: site.modifytime is set in site/edit. So this is a browser cache problem?


docbuelle, March 17, 2003 at 10:00:53 PM CET

@ hns

seems to me - as nex and tobi said yesterday and as I tested - that it IS a browser cache problem (changes of preferences are to be seen after cleaning the browser cache and reloading the page). But thank you, too, for having a look at this question


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