Antville Project

importing blogger data into antville

read inside if you are admin of both a blogger and an antville weblog...

important update: the application providing the import function is not running anymore due to minor interest in such a feature at that time. maybe one day it will get more notion and somebody will provide a new way to import (blogger) data into antville.


tobi, December 5, 2001 at 5:47:50 PM CET

how to do it

if you are admin of both a blogger and an antville weblog, please point your browser to[yourBlogName]/import

(well, actually the important part is to administrate a blogger weblog, because most people don't have an antville weblog at hopdev. but it's quickly created so i don't want to bother myself with that.)

enter the required data and let me know about your experiences...


tobi, December 5, 2001 at 6:01:19 PM CET

how it works

since the bloggerAPI is lacking the very important feature of returning all post ids of a certain user, i had to apply various tricks to achieve my goal of an easy way to import blogger data.

i did not want to make the fellow bloggers to take the detour of an xml template, configuring blogger to publish to a certain space and then letting antville read in the xml and turn it into stories.

that's why in a first step the renderer html data is parsed for a pattern which contains a marker for the post id. ie. this should be a pattern derived from a permalink of the posting or the like. don't use too trivial patterns or errors might occur, resp. the import won't work.

if the test result is positive (ie. you get a "select files" button - if not, go back and give it another trial with a different pattern or a corrected password etc.) you can determine which files you want to import. any item in the file matching the pattern will be read via bloggerAPI, then.

if you choose all or many of the files (i know there's some gui missing, yet), the import will be done in steps each consisting of 10 files. this is because i am using the scheduler to finally import the data. i was afraid exceeding the cache or the like when doing a 1000 of stories all at once.

you can peek at the import progress when you return to /import. all imports are listed here and the ones that are processed cannot be edited or deleted. instead they show a status like "processing file x of y".

in the end you should read "successfully imported" and see the result at your antville main page... hopefully.

please note that currently all postings of your blogger weblog will be assigned to the user that issues the import process. ie. good for personal weblogs, not so good for collaborative ones.


tobi, December 5, 2001 at 6:02:14 PM CET

what i did at hopdev

for the hopdev admins: i added the necessary files as zip archive to the antville installation at hopdev. i also had to tweak the root and weblog currently there is also a function missing that is called when starting up the application. does not seem to matter, it's superseded anyway.


... comment
alex63, January 4, 2003 at 10:35:56 AM CET

Re: importing blogger data into antville

I would like to import my old blogger weblog into my new antville weblog. Unfortunately the url doesn't seem to work anymore or is it me?


... comment

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