Antville Project

baseURI = / ???

i'm trying to get antville running as the main app using the built in server. what is the trick? (i changed "baseURI = /antville" to "baseURI = /" in antville's properties and "baseURI = /" to "baseURI = /base" in base's properties, but base is still running as main app.)


robert, April 10, 2002 at 11:43:03 AM CEST


i'm not familiar with helma's internal webserver, but i think you have to use baseURI=/antville (because the internal server uses and expects the application name as first part of the URL).


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hns, April 10, 2002 at 11:57:54 AM CEST

the application called "base" is mounted as root, at least with current Helma snapshots. So renaming antville to base should do the trick.

The internal web server is not really meant for deployment but for testing and development, you see.


kris, April 10, 2002 at 5:32:22 PM CEST

i see

so i guess i need to go for the big installation.


hns, April 10, 2002 at 6:08:20 PM CEST

you don't need to

if the embedded web server works well enough for you! It's just that it's not very configurable, so the solution smells slightly of workaround.

Note that apart from renaming the antville directory (and thus the antville application) to "base" you'll have to set baseURI to /.


kris, April 10, 2002 at 6:49:29 PM CEST


i can't use port 80 easily and we have an apache for a cvs running on the machine. so i guess i'll do it, anyway. is your install guide up to date?

btw, expect me to program some new functions for the server manager. i definitely need more control over who is allowed to create sites.


robert, April 10, 2002 at 10:48:00 PM CEST

the install guides are not really up to date (at least they don't cover the use of tomcat, just jserv). if you need help with that => mail. what are you planning to do in server-manager ("only trusted users are allowed to create weblogs")?


kris, April 11, 2002 at 12:28:52 AM CEST

three options:

  1. everybody can create
  2. trusted users can
  3. only site admins can

does this sound okay with you?


kris, April 11, 2002 at 3:11:38 PM CEST

'ere it is

rootnewhac (text/plain, 1 KB) and you need to add these lines to the

limit creation of new weblogs (uncomment if necessary)

limitNewWeblogs = trusted

limitNewWeblogs = sysAdmin


hns, April 11, 2002 at 5:10:43 PM CEST

looks good

to me.


robert, April 11, 2002 at 11:00:07 PM CEST


thanks, kris! i'll commit it to cvs tomorrow.


robert, April 12, 2002 at 1:48:21 PM CEST

it's in CVS now.


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