Antville Project

Q: assign stories to a date (other than todays)?

What about the possibility to define a story's date and time?

Of course this question makes only sense if one would use antville not as a "diary" but e.g. as a tool for reconstructing historical events.


hns, December 9, 2001 at 9:49:27 PM CET

... or

as a calendar tool for future events. This would be easy to implement (just provide input fields for the date in the story editor) and potentially very useful, but it's not on our roadmap. Maybe somebody else comes along and just does it (don't think we would take it into our version of the code though - for us the emphasis is on weblogging and this will likely stay that way).


... comment
tobi, January 18, 2002 at 2:59:18 PM CET

good idea

@bb: i am very interested in your idea and would like to work on such a feature. however, i'll wait until the major of antville is back from his holidays to hold a pow-wow about how to do it right.


... comment

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