Antville Project

antville updates

i just checked out from cvs the changes hannes made recently for enabling custom createtimes as well as a slight change regarding how story, comment and weblogs are marked as "updated" according to a previous request by kris: from now on stories and comments (and certainly their parent weblogs) are only marked as "updated" if more than +/- 50 characters have changed in the text. that means you should not see old stories and comments popping up in the history just because of a deleted word or a corrected spelling anymore.

however, i am not sure if the createtime macro works as it should. would be nice if somebody else could check it out...


tobi, April 12, 2002 at 5:22:34 PM CEST

...and immediately found a bug

we now have a caching problem. hold on, this is not as i expected it to be. darn!


tobi, April 12, 2002 at 5:28:39 PM CEST

ok, fixed

verification is appreciated. :)


kris, April 12, 2002 at 5:29:44 PM CEST

i noticed the same

also, i posted a new story and the story was also in the first comment.


kris, April 12, 2002 at 5:31:38 PM CEST

looks okay

i edited a comment, but the changes didn't appear. now it's okay. nice one, thanks.


... comment
dm42, April 13, 2002 at 10:26:09 AM CEST

great work, i have a problem though...

thank you for enabling custom creattimes - it works really fine.

problem: the weblog does not show todays entries as default, but positions itself on the most advanced day into the future, where a story is set online.

it would be nice to have the stories by date reference in the calender (if showing future stories within recent changes is to be discussed), but to have the default weblog offset at todays date.

btw: you may look at for an example


tobi, April 13, 2002 at 10:38:33 AM CEST


i knew this but forgot to mention it: i once tried to implement something like an event feature in my personal antville installation and just ran into exactly this problem. was a turn-down big enough to stop me from continuing. i think this future date thing has some more implications than just an editor form...


dm42, April 13, 2002 at 11:00:06 AM CEST

is it function

renderStorylist(day) in /weblog/renderFunctions.js that renders the storylist on the frontpage?

so where does this day come from? sorry, could not track that down myself...


robert, April 13, 2002 at 1:23:04 PM CEST

it's not that hard

to solve this problem (at least i hope so ;-). i'll try to fix that tomorrow (and yes: it's in renderStorylist()). and thanks for your efforts, tobi!


dm42, April 13, 2002 at 2:33:55 PM CEST

thank you

i appreciate your support!


dm42, April 15, 2002 at 9:18:58 AM CEST


i see the webloglist is working as expected now.

would you also please look into the display-functions for the default frontpage rendering?


... comment

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