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I spent the whole day forcing Apache, Tomcat and Helma to work together. In case you are in a similar situation, check Apple's Internet Developer pages and in particular Java and Tomcat on Mac OS X, Part I and Part II. (Should work for Linux similarly.)


kris, April 13, 2002 at 5:59:15 PM CEST

short installation guide

  1. install tomcat and mod_webapp and make it work with apache as explained here. this guide tells you how to run the tomcat examples.

  2. if you want to run helma change the line WebAppDeploy examples warpConnection /examples/ in the httpd.conf file to WebAppDeploy helma warpConnection /helma/ the mean that every url that begins with the path "helma" will be processes by helma. you can keep the old line if you still want to run the examples and you can use a different path.

  3. go to the the directory "webapps" in the tomcat installation directory, create a folder "helma" and a folder "WEB-INF" inside "helma". go to "WEB-INF" and create an alias called "lib" to the folder "lib" in the helma installation directory. finally put robert's web.xml file into "WEB-INF".

4.modify your as explained here. (re)start apache, tomcat & helma.



major, May 7, 2002 at 5:02:41 PM CEST

where to get that file?

im sorry, but where can i get / find this web.xml file for the tomcat-Helma-Configuration?

greetz &thx


robert, May 7, 2002 at 8:27:14 PM CEST

try this: webxml (text/xml, 1 KB)


kris, May 7, 2002 at 8:49:09 PM CEST

a general remark

in case you are on linux and you can't get your tomcat to work with apache, compile the mod_webapp and do not use the precompiled version. it took me three days to figure this out. i read loads of archived mailing lists and help requests. they all blame the error on various tomcat or apache config files and they were all wrong. (there is no need to compile it if the precompiled version works well.)



rolandk, May 27, 2002 at 3:01:17 PM CEST

basic question

ad point 4.:

4.modify your as explained here. (re)start apache, tomcat & helma.

You have to restart helma? Or you have only to restart tomcat? I think Tomcat starts helma automagically...

I ask this question because i have a problem. when accessing helma:

Error: java.rmi.NotBoundException: main

(happens on the universal dishwasher example)

i tried to put the apps folder into webapps/helma/ and even to webapps/helma/WEB-INF/ but it doesnt work. But as standalone Helma works fine.

thank you and cheers rolandk


hns, May 27, 2002 at 5:09:46 PM CEST

Hi Roland

looks like a generic Helma setup question, maybe it would be better to ask on the mailing list.


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