Antville Project

topic macro

i'm sure that this has been requested before, but i'll add it anyway, because i consider it important: when i display a story or its short description, i want to be able to show the topic along with it and it would be cool if i could not only add a textual calue like story.topicName to the skin, but also insert an icon based on the topic.
for example, on the "home" page of my blog, there should be a little gif showing a dog next to all blurbs of stories belonging to the topic "dog"; and a little cat would be next to my cat-stories. now readers could instantly see the topic and you could also set the icons to be links to the respective topics.
could you implement that, pleeze?


tobi, April 15, 2002 at 9:58:16 AM CEST


i want that feature, too. i think there was some talk going on already about reducing the topic macro to return the topic name only and extend it by parameters to provide additional funcitonality (linkto etc.).


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