Antville Project

sexy redirect pages

it's probably not an antville but a helma problem. is there a chance that you create better 302 pages? the grey

Document moved This document has moved here.
looks like an error message. i suppose a nicer design and a positive message like "your changes have been received. please click here to see the updated page" (or better) would cause less confusion.

remark: this page appears only with old netscape because of a bug. some explanation in german can be found here. check metababy with netscape 4.x for an example.


hns, April 15, 2002 at 1:35:37 PM CEST


People see this when redirecting from a URL to the same URL, which is a design error anyway (design in the sense of application design).


kris, April 15, 2002 at 1:54:45 PM CEST


I only have it on my modified sites because i have the comment form on story.main, which is a sensible in terms of interaction design.

but why is it an application design error? is the redirect by ie or mozilla a bug? what would be a good solution? action urls in the form?


... comment
hns, April 15, 2002 at 1:52:50 PM CEST


-1 for fixing aesthetical problems with Netscape 4.


kris, April 15, 2002 at 1:57:31 PM CEST

it's not about aesthetic

i actually wouldn't waste to much time with netscape 4.x users since mozilla is heading towards 1.0.

but the current 302 page looks like a server error. how hard is it to give the text a positive vibe?


hns, April 15, 2002 at 9:53:20 PM CEST

Helma sends redirects

without body, so it's not that simple. It would require changing the functionality of Helma's res.redirect() function. Currently res.redirect() resets the response body.


kris, April 15, 2002 at 10:05:05 PM CEST

who creates the 302 pages? apache?


hns, April 15, 2002 at 10:11:32 PM CEST

calling res.redirect() in Helma throws an exception which causes the script execution to be interrupted. The response is reset and an empty 302 page is returned. I don't know if Apache generates any body for these redirect responses or if the text comes out of Netscape 4. I guess it would be possible to send a body along with a redirect() response. If you really want to know, check out the HTTP specs.


kris, April 15, 2002 at 11:46:27 PM CEST

you can (according to the rfc)

but i don't know if it is worth the fuss. i thought it was as easy as exchanging two sentences somewhere.

however, i'm still interested in learning why a redirect to the same page is bad application design.


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