Antville Project

my antville wishlist

things i'd like to see in antville:

  1. general standard compliance for xhtml (in progress)
  2. better support of important html attributes in macros like id and style to give javascript coders as well as css layouters more flexibility (and reduce feature requests) done.
  3. skins for search output done.
  4. next/prev search results links should appear in place of the "link to newer/older entries" macro
  5. macros as parameters (ie. macros in macros!) the way as discussed a while ago (but i cannot remember where...?); looked something like this: <% handler.macro param=$myMacro %> no priority.
  6. in all input submit tags the name attribute should be used for processing a form, not the value attribute (still missing e.g. in edit profile) done? done
  7. extending the topic macro to provide generation of topic icons, links or simple plain output of the topic's name done.
  8. extending the story macro to return only the first n characters of the story (ie. preview) done (limit and clipping parameter in content macro)
  9. skins for "send password" form (and i believe there are still other yet unsupported pages that need skincare).
  10. form content should not disappear when an error occurs after submit done
  11. skin customizing of breadcrumbs (topics) done
  12. "RE: reply title" as default in new comment editor (as it is done at userland) done.
  13. rewrite of commentcounter macros (w/o spaces, link as default) done.
  14. more adequate edit profile error messages (done?)
  15. remove signup form skin (it's empty by default done.
things i'd like to see disappearing in antville:
  1. &nbsp; in calender days (de-bloat the calendar, pleeeease!) done.
  2. res.write in non-macro functions (trouble! e.g. renderTextPreview cannot be re-used at some other place in the middle of a string processing task) resolved.
  3. whitespace / breaks at the end of a posting (done?) done


tobi, April 16, 2002 at 5:50:48 PM CEST


  1. datetimes should use the format="long" or format="short" wherever possible (e.g. comments use a custom format). done.


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