Antville Project

folders branch

I finally committed my folders code to CVS. You can check it out by updating antville to branch "folders". I'm not 100% sure I didn't forget anything, but I'll find out later today when I try it from home. Feedback and collaborators are highly welcome.


hns, April 15, 2003 at 10:40:27 AM CEST

looks good

except for a missing "contributorlink" macro in the site's folder view - but I'm not sure yet I want to do it that way.


... comment
robert, April 15, 2003 at 11:39:33 AM CEST


i just had a brief look at your branch, didn't have the time to dig very deep into it. my first reaction was: great, this really goes into the right direction. just a few initial remarks:

  • i find it quite confusing that you didn't centralize the functionality for managing folders in a separate "foldermgr" (that extends storymgr?) but placed the methods/skins into site, storymgr, story (the latter containing skins i would have expected in "folder").
  • the display of folders doesn't work in my copy here because the body onload function initEditor() isn't found (i suspect that you forgot to commit in the modified

i'll have a deeper look into it later in the evening, so expect more feedback within the next day. and thanks for your efforts!


hns, April 15, 2003 at 11:53:38 AM CEST

The dispersion of functionality is a result of the evolution of the branch - originally, I had the management of folders in the storymgr, then moved it out to the separate /folders page on the site. So the remaining functionality in storymgr will soon move out, too. The reason I didn't use a separate foldermanager is that the folders are rooted in the site, so it seems right to me to put the logic there, too. (For example, folders wouldn't be able to call macros in the foldermanager because it is not present in their object path.)

The dynamic folder display is a bit neglected, I've been concentrating more on the static display recently.

I'm working on Helma 1.2.4 today, hope to be back to folderville tomorrow!


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