Antville Project

Some ideas for antville dev

These are ideas that have been floating through my head. I'm depositing them here before they evaporate while I'm busy elsewhere.

  • Make the skinmanager a HopObject stored in SQL rather than a mounted HopObject. Rename it to "skinset".

  • At URL /skins, where we now have the skinmanager, put some kind of skinsetmanager that lets people create, manage, and choose between skinsets.
  • Allow each site to have 0..n skinsets.
  • Add a field to skinset that indicates its parent skinmanager. If a skinset is used, its parent skinsets are also added to the skin path.
  • Add fields to sites and stories/folders that let them use one of the available skinmanagers. If unset, the site's standard skinset is used.
  • Eventually do something similar for image and file managers: Let stories and folders have their own local image and file managers.


Albtraumjaeger, April 24, 2003 at 11:53:15 AM CEST

Sounds great!

Seems, some of my wet content management dreams will come true...;-)


... comment
jeanluc, April 24, 2003 at 12:22:27 PM CEST


More comfortible Topic Manager? Rename, change and merge topics.


hns, April 24, 2003 at 12:36:36 PM CEST


Topics are obsolete and being replaced by folders (at least on my development branch ;-), which are a kind of "souped up container stories". That means no more development on topics from my part. But maybe somebody else will pick up your proposals.


... comment

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