Antville Project

How to install ANTCLICK with MySQL and Apache

Hi there - this is a beginners question.

I am very interested in setting up antville on my server for testing and maybe more by using the antclick installation. The antclick installation worked well - but I want to switch this to use it with MySQL and Helma embedded into Apache web server. Is there any detailed documentation for this. It is difficult for me to find out the things behind like where to store the infos for the MySQL database and what do I have to do then...

Thank you.


hns, April 29, 2003 at 11:03:26 AM CEST

No proper documentation yet

but two links:

For using MySQL instead of Mckoi: For integration with Apache:


kris, April 29, 2003 at 11:11:06 AM CEST

suse and apache:


may possibly work with other linux distributions similarly.


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slackero, May 1, 2003 at 11:49:11 AM CEST

I'm to stupid (maybe) - HOW TO???

I tried a lot and had a look at the linked documents but maybe I am to stupid to get it to work like I would it shoud.

Can anybody write a good step by step "How To Install Antville for Linux with Apache and MySQL"?

I have a running server based on Suse 8.1 with Apache, MySQL and PHP with many virtual hosts and many real domain names. This all works very well. I got the Antclick 1.0 working - but...

I use Confixx to manage the virtual hosts - so my MySQL db names are kind like "usr_xxx_x". Can I use the normal vhost user location for antville/helma? (/home/www/web123..). How to setup a real domain name for the antville installation? Which for use with the Apache 1.3.26 on the Suse?

Kind of that documentaional stuff are not available to "normal" (to stupid) users like me.

Antville seems to be what I want to use - but it should be simpler to install or well documented.

Thanx for your support. Oliver


hns, May 1, 2003 at 3:53:10 PM CEST

I'm sorry for the lacking documentation. We hope to have it one day. Contributions and help are always welcome.


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