Antville Project

gotta problem...

dunno but after installing antville and setting up mysql i get the message

 Error in application 'antville': 

Runtime error Field or property 'data' does not exists in object
detected at line 176 of function 'autoLogin' in file:
called at line 1 of function 'new_hop_action' in string starting with: 
'function new_hop_action
 (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6,
 arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10) {'...
i am a complete newbie to all this so perhaps someone could please tell me what went wrong?


hns, December 19, 2001 at 8:07:41 AM CET

What version of Helma are you running? looks like a very very old one to me. Should be 1.2 pre 2 updated with the latest snapshot.


cab, December 19, 2001 at 1:28:55 PM CET


gonna try out.


... comment
b, March 27, 2002 at 6:07:34 AM CET

Same here...

...creating a weblog...:

Error in application 'antville':

Runtime error Field or property 'action' does not exists in object helma.framework.RequestTrans@4223bcad detected at line 2 of function 'new_action' in string starting with: 'function new_action (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10) {'...

Windows 2000 Apache 1.3.20 JServ 1.1.2 Helma 1.2pre2 MySQL 3.23.49 JSDK 2.0 JRE 1.3.1_02

antville_event.log: [2002/03/27 06:01] Starting evaluators for antville [2002/03/27 06:01] set up node cache (1000) [2002/03/27 06:01] Warning: Using internal file based db as fallback. [2002/03/27 06:01] Reason: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no libdb_java32 in java.library.path [2002/03/27 06:02] Closing DB connection: [2002/03/27 06:02] antville/new aborted after 20 millis [2002/03/27 06:02] ### Exception in antville/new: FESI.Exceptions.EcmaScriptException: Runtime error Field or property 'action' does not exists in object helma.framework.RequestTrans@4223bcad detected at line 2 of function 'new_action' in string starting with: 'function new_action (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10) {'... [2002/03/27 06:02] antville/new aborted after 0 millis [2002/03/27 06:02] ### Exception in antville/new: java.lang.RuntimeException: Runtime error Field or property 'action' does not exists in object helma.framework.RequestTrans@4223bcad detected at line 2 of function 'new_action' in string starting with: 'function new_action (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10) {'...

Similar with 'edit profile'.

Guess that's what happens when people unable to handle their Zentralheizung get the chance to download something way to complex for them. Any help highly appreciated though.

Thanks & Cheers,



robert, March 27, 2002 at 9:46:54 AM CET

it's the same as above

probably a too old version of helma. get the latest snapshot and put it - as "helma.jar" - inside the directory called "lib" where your helma-installation resides. then restart hop and everything shoul run fine.


kris, March 27, 2002 at 10:22:01 AM CET

or linebreaks?

if the problem still exists try with different linebreaks, i.e. different systems use cr or lf or lf+cr as linebreak. i had similar problems because my cvs automatically converted unix text to mac text.


b, March 27, 2002 at 10:57:39 AM CET


I hereby disclose that i'm stupid.

Not for doing something i couldn't, but for doing it in the middle of the night and getting deadlocked.

Snapshot is a good name for a single file. I made a betacam tape (CVSing all the wrong files), didn't know what snapshot means and therefore didn't find it.

Works fine now, may the caipirinhas be with us when we should meet someday, in short: Thanks a lot for babysitting.


... comment

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