Antville Project

antville on own server

the default antville skins contain some direct references to which should be replaced by the url of the antville home. i noticed it on the root page and in confirmation mails. i'm going to change it for my server. are you interested in my modified skins?

let me know if there other occurances. what can we do with the buttons? sites hosted on my server are not residents of antville, are they?


robert, April 24, 2002 at 12:29:38 PM CEST

of course

i'm interested in your modified skins ;-) i'd say best would be to add a new "domain" or the like and use this for confirmation mails, default skins etc.

reg. images: yep, we need a default icon "based on antville" - i'll talk with claudia.


kris, April 24, 2002 at 12:52:58 PM CEST

extend the link-macro

i haven't looked at it, but i think an attribute as="url" in the link macro should do the job because a link to the root site is available as <% ... %>.


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kris, April 24, 2002 at 4:03:32 PM CEST

macro guidelines

i changed the skin for the antville root page and mailed it to robert. the other changes are very easy to emplement but before i start i need your opinion. it would be nice to have a macro for urls. should i write a new one similar to the imageurl macro or should i add an option to the link macro?

related to this is another question. if i want the add a link to the the weblog title i have two obtions. either i use <% weblog.title linkto="main" class="title" %> and add support for optional paramaters such as "class". or i wait for the possibilty to use macros within macros, e.g. <% to="main" text=$weblog.title class="title" %> discuss! ;-)


tobi, April 24, 2002 at 4:18:38 PM CEST

Re: macro guidelines

yeah, i think that was my part... sorry for the delay. at least i started with going through some of the macros.

i don't think the macros-in-macros feature should be part of the guidelines.

i think these rather should contain a generic structure and how certain functionalities are implemented if needed.

e.g. the way a macro returns a url (which robert does with the "as" parameter most of the time).

currently, the goal should be to reduce the amount of macros instead of add even more.

my proposal at the time for a generic macro:

<% handler.macro prefix="str" suffix="str" encoding="html|xml|form|url" [id="str" html="str" as="str"] %>

str stands for an arbitrary string.

prefix, suffix and encoding are already processed automatically by helma.

as defines the return type, e.g. "url", "link", "editor" (still has to be evaluated how this can be done consistently).

the other parameters only make sense for macros that create html tags:

id i would prefer over class because it can be used with javascript as well.

html could be a parameter that contains arbitrary html attributes (e.g. onmouseover handler or whatever). it simply would appended at the end of the tag, before the ">").

i also thought about how default parameters could be handed over in a macro, sometimes this could be useful e.g. when having select forms or the like.

and linkto is also a good parameter i'd like to keep.

but as i said: still truckin'...


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