Antville Project

server troubles

we're having some server troubles here at today. I'm not sure what the cause is, but it's not the traffic, as far as I can tell. Rather, it looks like Helma has some trouble with garbage collection and is continously growing in size (it's taking 340MB right now, althogh the heap size should be limited to 256MB) and taking a lot of CPU time.

This may or may not be related to a problem we have with logging.

I'm not sure what to do about it. If nobody comes up with a better solution, I suggest we update to the current Helma snapshot sometime today.

In other news, /referrers is still/again slow. Maybe changing the ACCESS table didn't fare well with the existing indexes and we should remove and re-create them?


seewolf, April 25, 2002 at 2:19:10 PM CEST


Ihr indiziert doch die einschlagenden Referrer, da geht wahrscheinlich ganz schön die Post ab, er dürfte ununterbrochen seinen Index umbauen, das saugt.


robert, April 25, 2002 at 2:55:49 PM CEST

(switching to english) nope, that shouldn't be a problem because there are no records deleted from the referrer-table, so mysql just has to append new records to the index - which shouldn't be that expensive in terms of performance.


... comment
kris, April 25, 2002 at 2:22:56 PM CEST

i have errors with the latest antville update

i did send details to tobi by mail. maybe you have the same problems.


tobi, April 25, 2002 at 2:47:38 PM CEST


your errors are due to an errornous sql patch i did not apply to (should be fixed in the meantime, btw.)


... comment
robert, April 25, 2002 at 2:53:47 PM CEST

you're right: memory is getting low on adele, it started to swap sometimes before (doesn't do it now). i think this definetly has to do something with the referrer-stuff (tobi is going to rebuild the indexes), and it looks like mysql still does too many full table scans ...

update: i'll start to tune mysql a bit more.


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tobi, April 25, 2002 at 5:27:39 PM CEST


i will remove the "like" clause from the query and put the check for local referrers in logAccess(). this even will decrease the speed the ACCESS table is growing.

mysql> select count() from ACCESS where
| count() |
|    80385 |
1 row in set (8.00 sec)

mysql> select count() from ACCESS where REFERRER like ""; +----------+ | count() | +----------+ | 344228 | +----------+ 1 row in set (8.15 sec)

looking at these results i think we happily can get rid of these records...


hns, April 25, 2002 at 5:51:40 PM CEST


but that's without index on REFERRER, right? At least without completely built index on REFERRER, methinks. But of course the table growth rate is a good reason by itself...


... comment
tobi, April 25, 2002 at 8:02:18 PM CEST


robert did a great job transferring the old access table to a new one leaving away the [www.] and self-referring referrers. i removed the "like" clauses in the referrer / backlink queries and we added a regular expression match to take over their task in logAccess().

please note that this is a solution which currently only fits with's environment. that's why we did not check it into the cvs, yet (we are going to think it all over again in the next days).


hns, April 26, 2002 at 11:57:21 AM CEST

Why leave away referrers from

I think this is valuable information, just as "-" and "bookmarks" referrers!


tobi, April 26, 2002 at 12:01:10 PM CEST

what's the value?

clicking on this link: -. or this: bookmark.

concerning referrers from i think you're right. robert, whatcha say?


hns, April 26, 2002 at 12:11:51 PM CEST


I was talking about informational value (x people came here by bookmarks or without referrer), not clicking value. But I guess the value is not that big, you're right, so I agree on adding refs from but not the other, non-http stuff.


tobi, April 26, 2002 at 12:24:59 PM CEST

i see

but honestly, i think the value of referrers lies deep within the quality of a link to click at and to get to another resource on the web. the quantity of how many people came here from somewhere i never can get to myself is at least below my current threshold of interest.


robert, April 26, 2002 at 1:12:57 PM CEST

i totally agree with tobi: let's not mix up referrer-logging and access-statistics (which imo isn't a job of antville, there's other software out there that can do that better).


hns, April 26, 2002 at 1:17:15 PM CEST

But we do have

access statistics already, although they're slightly broken... But yes, as I said already, keep non-http stuff out.


tobi, April 26, 2002 at 2:38:43 PM CEST


is something i became ashamed off, in the meantime... (not really :)


kris, April 26, 2002 at 2:44:32 PM CEST

most read stories

are as usefull as a gropf. see!


... comment
lukos, April 26, 2002 at 2:00:41 AM CEST

any eta

any eta on when it's to be fixed?


... comment

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