Antville Project

Skins all gone ?

All the skins are gone, Ihope they can beresored from backup or something, Ofcourse I have my own backups asswell butt eej as long as the stories don't get lost ! Open SOurce Rules even thoug sometimes thing get a bit buggy now and then ! Keep up the good work guys DON'T PANIC


tobi, April 26, 2002 at 8:26:16 AM CEST

good morning antville!

yes, i've seen it, something's going on with the skins. but i think it's just a matter of display, not existence (ie. the skins are still in the database, hop just cannot read them). fingers crossed!


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hns, April 26, 2002 at 10:29:11 AM CEST

My unfailable hypertronic

Helma version detection tells me that you're running the snapshot from March 26, which is the first one with new skin set features. That means the _skinmanager property is ignored and we have to explicitely tell Hop which skinset to use.

And while we're at it, I now also know why yesterdays snapshot failed. It's because we still have the buggy version of new type properties 1.2 that uses "groupby" instead of "group", as defined by the RFC. This has been fixed between March 26 and yesterday, and the new snapshot just ignores *.groupby.


robert, April 26, 2002 at 10:37:40 AM CEST

i know

it's already changed in CVS.


... comment
MrLunk, April 26, 2002 at 10:31:51 AM CEST

Is this going to be a long term problem ?


Is this a fixable item or will it take very long ?

GreetZ Peter Lunk


robert, April 26, 2002 at 10:38:09 AM CEST


as soon as i find out what's wrong it will be fixed ;-) i'm at it.


... comment
hns, April 26, 2002 at 10:40:02 AM CEST

One plea

Please let's do this in the right way, without hacking around on

Fix it on your local working copy Test it Commit it Check it out on

Let's not make the mistake again of getting out of synch with CVS, like we did on the old!


robert, April 26, 2002 at 10:49:50 AM CEST

if we're having a problem on adele which i don't have in my working copy, i have to do some debugging on adele. this doesn't necessarily mean that adele will go out of sync (because nothing is changed on this server).

btw.: the skin-problem was not a problem in the antville-application - the disk was full, which caused an sql-error. it's fixed now.


hns, April 26, 2002 at 10:57:11 AM CEST


The disk was full? But you did use the March 26 snapshot, and you didn't have the skinpath stuff on yet, or did we? Confused...


robert, April 26, 2002 at 11:00:27 AM CEST


skinpath is already used in antville since i did the update to march 26 snapshot (a while ago). the disk was full because of the nightly mysql-dump (the tablespace got a lot bigger because we changed the ACCESS-table yesterday evening, and didn't want to delete the old table for one day, which was definetly too much ...). i'll do some cleanup now and see if i can move the db-backup to another place (plus install an automatic cleanup-script).


hns, April 26, 2002 at 11:36:32 AM CEST

I see I see

Them MySQL dumps! So a 100 MB table generates a 1,5 gig dump file, right? God bless binary data formats! ;-)


... comment

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