Antville Project

antville on FreeBSD

just finished the compiling of java and now I have a working antville server on FreeBSD 5.1, just for testing. Anybody else running antville on FreeBSD? very temporarily available here, just to prove. More Info about the machine here. Expect it to go down anytime...


tobi, June 26, 2003 at 9:16:58 AM CEST

good job!


patpatpat, June 26, 2003 at 7:45:16 PM CEST

to be honest...

... it wasn't even that hard! Once you have the basic system of FreeBSD 5.1 running and the ports-tree installed, it is: "cd /usr/ports/java/jdk14" - "make install" - (follow instructions to download some files from of which the URL is given) - download antclick - edit so that JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.4.1/ - that's about it.


tobi, June 26, 2003 at 8:41:02 PM CEST

i am a big fan of the bsd flavours. (however, this machine won't run any java at all.)


mdornseif, July 3, 2003 at 11:41:57 AM CEST

jdk14 wouldn't build on my FreeBSD 5.1 box. So we used a linux jdk in Linux binary emulation mode - feels somewhat bad.

Also helma wanted to grap ALL IP adresses of the machine, so we had to jail(8) it to restrict it to a single IP (sudo jail / blogs /bin/sh /usr/local/helma/ This resulted in antville beeing unable to access the mysql server on, so we had do do some packet mangeling to get SQL requests from here to there (sudo ipfw add forward,3306 tcp from to 3306)

But suprisingly this setup runs somewhat smooth.


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nex, July 5, 2003 at 12:04:34 PM CEST

yeah, i'm also running FreeBSD, but the site is not quite ready to be made public. i didn't go through the trouble of making jdk 1.4 run; the standard 1.3 works quite nicely. the 'headless' option doesn't work with that, so i had to go for the Xvfb trick, but that's it.

it's good to hear upgrading to 1.4 isn't that complicated after all, i'll forward that to my server admin for consideration.


... comment
mdornseif, July 7, 2003 at 8:48:15 AM CEST

Umlauts & FreeBSD & Java

There seem to be some Problems depending on Java Version used. See


... comment

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