Antville Project

New gadget, please check it out

I installed a context menu feature for ms internet explorer here at similar to the one of

Excerpt from the context menu showing "Post to Antville" entries

Installation is pretty simple (imho):

  1. Point your browser to (be sure to replace alias with your weblog's alias)
  2. If you trust me, simply choose "Open file from its current location" (or whatever it says in english for "Die Datei von ihrem aktuellen Ort öffnen") – if you belong to the noble group of internet sceptics you rather should download the file, examine it in your favorite editor and then decide to install it.
  3. After installation (ie. writing a few lines in the registry) you should open a new instance of internet explorer and then find a new entry in the context menu called "Post to sitename" with sitename certainly being your weblog's title.
To use the context menu simply go to any website, select some text and click on the new entry. In effect, your weblog's story editor should open with the editor field containing the website's URL and the selected text ready for editing and posting.

Btw. if anyone wants to contribute a similar functionality for other browsers just let me know how the principle works and maybe we can find a way to implement this in antville, too.

More information about adding entries to the standard context menu.


seewolf, June 30, 2003 at 11:14:15 AM CEST

Don't work for me

IE 6 W2K Registry is imho correct. geht noch nicht

On click on context-menu "Post to..." I see only a little flickering windows disappaer. Probably a security preference by our IT.


tobi, June 30, 2003 at 11:18:02 AM CEST


i heard about that already. it was tested and worked with ie 5.5 and win2k. if anyone has an idea how to fix this please let me know.


dieguteseite, June 30, 2003 at 11:21:08 AM CEST


story here.

IE 6.0 + XP but I also think that this a security problem here in the office.

check this at home in the evening.


tobi, June 30, 2003 at 11:25:38 AM CEST

i guess

this has something to do with the URLs / different domains because i was told that it works if you try to use the context menu from within your own weblog (which does not make much sense, anyway).


seewolf, June 30, 2003 at 11:29:40 AM CEST

You're right

in IE6 it works only on our site, in 5.5 for all sites, if you are logged in in antville. Tested in factory with the same security preferences.


dieguteseite, June 30, 2003 at 11:30:45 AM CEST

you are right, tobi.

it really works in my own weblog. would it try to open a new window normally?


tobi, June 30, 2003 at 1:16:24 PM CEST


currently it should open the story editor in the same window.

does anybody have a clue about default differences in security settings between ie5.5. and ie6?


... comment
simons, July 3, 2003 at 6:32:36 PM CEST

When entering the adress "" I got the message:

"menuext.reg von kann nicht gedownloaded werden.

Die Internetseite konnte nicht geöffnet werden. Sie ist entweder nicht verfügbar oder konnte nicht gefunden werden."

Who knows what's going wrong there?


Albtraumjaeger, July 4, 2003 at 12:23:01 PM CEST

Same happend on my first try. Try the following: Click on this Link below und there should'nt be the failure message:


simons, July 4, 2003 at 6:06:30 PM CEST

Thanks very, very much! I missed a tool like this for a long time already. It's a great thing ... :-)


... comment

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