Antville Project

Just inquisitive

After creating a story to just correct a word the story does not appeal in recently modified on Antville main page. An new paragraph causes an update. Which kind of changings are shown? Where is the tolerance?


tobi, July 20, 2003 at 3:17:23 PM CEST


When evaluating an edited story, the difference of the old story's length is compared with the one of the new story. If it exceeds +/-49 characters the changes are regarded as "majorupdate".


Kasi, July 20, 2003 at 8:59:23 PM CEST

Ah, ok

thanks. No more inquisitive. And, in general, a big thanx for antville!


jaqueline, July 22, 2003 at 7:31:26 AM CEST

x] BraSiL - PVH

Tipow.. eu num to entendendo o que q tem que fazer nesse site oh.. q porra eh essa!!!! muito tosco mesmu.. vc sao um bando de troxa e eh issu aew.. Penso no que faço no que fiz e no que vo fazer.. hoje o seu retrato soh me mostra o que eu quero esquecer.. Quando o sol se for meu amor vou aonde vc for.. eu mi empolgo uhahuahuhau x))


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