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May 10, 2002 at 11:25:30 PM CEST
antville/antville.sql is not up to date the current cvs version gives you this error: "Column name: LASTPING does not exist!" Same for ENABLEPING.
May 11, 2002 at 12:36:37 AM CEST
i notice the same i wanted to install antville for my mate icee and i terribly failed. sniff ... comment
May 11, 2002 at 10:45:31 AM CEST
it's fixed in CVS now.
May 12, 2002 at 2:44:27 PM CEST
antville 1.0? thanks for the fix. btw, are you thinking about a regular release of antville? it would be great. i helped this friend of mine last friday, because he wants to use antville at work to document the progress of his projects. installing, or actually downloading (cvs for antville, ftp for helma, http for the latest helma snapshot), antville is currently too complicated.
May 12, 2002 at 4:47:56 PM CEST
+1 on releasing antville 1.0 real soon now I'd propose to have two versions: one just the application, and one complete with Helma and hsql database and everything ready to go. I'm willing to help getting it out. Something like next weekend seems like a good target date to me.
May 12, 2002 at 5:14:58 PM CEST
helma-1.2pre3 will be out before next week-end (at least that's my personal schedule). a package including antville and hsqldb support should be possible to prepare until then, too. unknown variable: what does robert want to modify in antville to make it a 1.0 release? big wish: branching antville in cvs at this point (and i'd like to have a branch, too).
May 12, 2002 at 6:07:59 PM CEST
That would be cool I'm yet unsure if the new user/session scheme will make it until then (together with the refactored scripting scheme, which is almost done and very solid already), so depending on this we might want to include that in pre3 already and also adapt antville to the new user/session management... FYI, I've compiled a list of files (not necessarily complete) that have been changed in CVS but not on antville.org, along with the log messages for the changes. Please have a look if there is any reason for these changes not to be deployed on antville.org. If they are bug fixes and improvements, I think they should also be updated on antville.org. If they are experimental changes, I think they shouldn't go in the main CVS branch, since that is where the code for antville.org is supposed to be. comment/macros.js (1.15 -> 1.16) tobi: title_macro() now returns null if there's no title global/objectFunctions.js (1.47 -> 1.48) tobi: replace writeln() with app.app.logEvent() in function logAccess() poll/type.properties (1.2 -> 1.3) robert: bugfix pollmgr/securityFunctions.js (1.1 -> 1.2) tobi: updated isDenied function analogous to the one in storymgr/securityFunctions.js root/main.hac (1.6 -> 1.7) grob: added call of logAccess() for referrer-logging root/new.hac (1.9 -> 1.10) grob: (optional) limit creation of weblogs to sysAdmins or trusted users. needs property "limitNewWeblogs" in app.properties (thanks to kris!) root/objectFunctions.js (1.11 -> 1.13) grob: bugfix grob: disable weblogs.com-ping for new weblogs story/macros.js (1.30 -> 1.33) tobi: removed debug output writeln(query) in backlinks_macro tobi: removed "like" clause checking for referrer from same weblog grob: added release of rowset (from direct db-operation) as in listReferrers_macro() of weblog weblog/ping.hac (1.3 -> 1.5) tobi: added comments; moved some parts from ping.hac back to here tobi: removed ping variable weblog/style.skin (1.14 -> 1.15) tobi: changed hard-coded color for poll bars to macro weblog.linkcolor
May 12, 2002 at 11:24:15 PM CEST
antville 1.0 first of all: +1 for releasing antville 1.0 plus: here's my list of changes i consider important for 1.0-release:
plus the changes needed for helma's new user/session scheme. the (major) rest is about documentation: antville definetly needs an installguide (esp. for using mysql-db in the backend, also including example apache rewrite-rules) - which i volunteer for. and i think there's still inline-documentation in the code missing and there are about 100 undocumented macros :-) regarding differences between antville.org and cvs: i've cleaned them up, but tobi: can you do weblog/ping.hac?
May 13, 2002 at 10:11:26 AM CEST
ping.hac question is, should we include this action, anyway? (at the moment it only works for two test weblogs.) i propose to remove it completely.
May 13, 2002 at 10:22:37 AM CEST
i volunteer, too and it's for href.skin, standard macro attributes and points 1, 2 and 6 of my list... also will add comments and inline documentation as well as some more macro how-tos. concerning the exploding amount of macros, i am sure we can reduce it by fusioning similar macros and putting the differences into parameters. just think of the image and the thumbnail macro: i think it would be ok to implement the latter as parameter in the image macro, e.g. <% image name="myImage" as="thumbnail" %> what do you think?
May 13, 2002 at 11:13:20 AM CEST
re: ping.hac - since auto-ping works fine, i'm voting for removal re: macros: i fear we will have to leave some of those macros for backwards-compatibility, but nevertheless +1 for fusioning as long as it doesn't lead to very "verbose" macros. and thanks for your volunteering ;-)
May 13, 2002 at 11:34:47 AM CEST
proxy for the sake of completeness: should i include stefan pollach's way of setting a proxy if needed? i think i should and i would do it like this (using two new properties in app.properties): function onStart() { setProxy(); }
May 13, 2002 at 12:04:05 PM CEST
more detail questions
May 13, 2002 at 12:29:05 PM CEST
re: proxy i'm not sure if anybody will need a proxy-setting (can't think of any public accessible antville-installation where outgoing http-traffic is going through a proxy, but i might be wrong).
May 13, 2002 at 12:29:46 PM CEST
for the date format: if days and months are written in english the dateformat should be sg like "monday, may 13, 2002". and if we're talking english, shouldn't an am/pm format be used for the hour? ad 3: i'd always prefer the long titles, even if they require a bit more typing in the startscript, but they make tracking the versions much easier (instead of guessing from the filesize).
May 13, 2002 at 12:30:38 PM CEST
re: more detail questions sure, feel free to change the default date-formats (which reminds me that i wanted to add a "custom"-field to the date-preferences ...)
May 13, 2002 at 12:44:08 PM CEST
@robert: i could imagine that many times new antville installations will start behind a firewall or proxy before they go online to the public (not to mention intranet antville installations, wink, wink!). in such cases there should at least be a glimpse how to get through to the public open (but i might be just as wrong :) @stefanp: i don't feel very well supporting a date format that is one of the most stupendous misconceptions one can imagine, and moreover lacks any logical reason of putting numbers in a specific order: the common date format used in the usa, jumping from the month to the day and then back to the year (in that order) does not make any sense to me (then i'd rather stick with the reverse date as it is now). and for using am/pm i feel just as bad about it... do we really have to make concessions to nonsense just because we speak an international language here? maybe we should rather follow the international standard date and time notation...
May 13, 2002 at 12:57:09 PM CEST
@tobi: i'm getting confused :-) if one has an antville-installation running behind a firewall/proxy, there's no need for a specific proxy-setting in antville. the only thing where this would be needed is for the weblogs.com-ping, which doesn't make sense anyway if the antville-setup isn't public.
May 13, 2002 at 1:04:54 PM CEST
ok you're right. let's forget about it unless it's really needed. :)
May 13, 2002 at 7:12:11 PM CEST
date format i'd suggest YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mm as well - ISO approved and EU recommended ;) ... comment
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