Antville Project

cool url...

sushi.antville.org47347/47385/47387/47388/47390/47393/47394/47395/47401/47402/47403/47405/47406/47408/47411/47412/47414/comment error (full view).


robert, May 14, 2002 at 9:54:48 AM CEST


i saw it yesterday night, but i have no idea what's wrong ...


hns, May 14, 2002 at 10:01:57 AM CEST

I'd say

nothing's wrong. The ability to fuck up the system is something normal with the kind of skinnability we have, I'd say. (I'm not really sure what causes the problem - Helma refuses paths longer than 50 elements, but I think we're still far from 50 in this case.)

Anyway, if we really would like to provide nested comments we shouldn't nest the URLs but mount them URL/parent-wise all flat in story/allComments or whatever - this would't interfere with the possibility to display them in a deeply nested way. The only thing we'd have to adapt is also to delete them in story/allComments (or whereever).


robert, May 14, 2002 at 10:06:59 AM CEST

i was just wandering what creates this error. doesn't look like exceeding any limit (i didn't know there is a limit of 50 in helma ;-).


hns, May 14, 2002 at 10:08:35 AM CEST


it's strange. I have no idea where the error comes from either.


hns, May 14, 2002 at 10:25:59 AM CEST

Path limit of 50 elements

You can see the code if you go here and search for "50". (Isn't the refactored RequestEvaluator cute?) Basically I think of every URL nesting that is deeper than 3 or 4 levels as an application design error, so if we want to allow this kind of behaviour, we should definitely parent comments in a flat space (the only thing that would be affected is replying to them and deleting them). Hm, I guess I'm repeating myself, sorry, I shut up already ;-)


robert, May 14, 2002 at 11:50:21 AM CEST

wow, the refactured code really looks much nicer (even i quite understand what's going on there ;-) and yes: mounting comments in a flat space is definetly better than like it's done now (although those nested URLs are pretty useful sometimes, they're getting absurd if someone uses it in an extreme way like the above example).


tobi, May 14, 2002 at 11:56:11 AM CEST


well, just think about that one intranet server where we already have paths like /antville/code/topics/scheduled+to+read/105/106/110/112/114/116/

+1 definitely for flatten it, and honestly, i think it's a little problematic if you cannot reply to a posting, especially if even hannes cannot explain why... ;->


kris, May 14, 2002 at 12:00:35 PM CEST

you can't edit and delete it either

however, i don't think this is serious. we only messed with the possibilities yesterday, this is not a real life example.


tobi, May 14, 2002 at 12:03:39 PM CEST

don't want to insist

but we are using such a nested comment structure in real life and hence this situation could occur (and it's even worse not to know why and when it does).


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