Antville Project

number of weblogs

since private weblogs are not included in the list of weblogs, anymore, i suggest we should change the paragraph stating "until now, xxx weblogs were created..." on the antville frontpage to something like "until now, (xxx - privateWeblogs) weblogs are online..."

i just started from scratch with a new antville installation and it's strange to read "2 weblogs were created" and there is only one in the list.

morever, if there is no public weblog (or no weblog at all), it says "0 weblogs were created and the last updated weblogs are" – and then nothing else...


tobi, May 15, 2002 at 12:40:26 PM CEST


returns an error when there's no weblog:

INVOKE-ERROR: Runtime error The property 'weblog' is not defined in object 'HopO bject root,HopObject members' detected at line 9 of function 'onRequest' in file: 'C:\Programme\Hop\hopbuild\w ork\antclick\apps\antville\hopobject\securityFunctions.js' FESI.Exceptions.EcmaScriptException: Runtime error The property 'weblog' is not defined in object 'HopObject root,HopObject members' detected at line 9 of function 'onRequest' in file: 'C:\Programme\Hop\hopbuild\w ork\antclick\apps\antville\hopobject\securityFunctions.js' FESI.Exceptions.EcmaScriptException: Runtime error The property 'weblog' is not defined in object 'HopObject root,HopObject members' detected at line 9 of function 'onRequest' in file: 'C:\Programme\Hop\hopbuild\w ork\antclick\apps\antville\hopobject\securityFunctions.js' FESI.Exceptions.EcmaScriptException: Runtime error The property 'weblog' is not defined in object 'HopObject root,HopObject members' detected at line 9 of function 'onRequest' in file: 'C:\Programme\Hop\hopbuild\w ork\antclick\apps\antville\hopobject\securityFunctions.js' at FESI.Interpreter.EcmaScriptEvaluateVisitor.visit(Unknown Source) at FESI.AST.ASTCompositeReference.jjtAccept(Unknown Source) at FESI.Interpreter.EcmaScriptEvaluateVisitor.visit(Unknown Source) at FESI.AST.ASTFunctionCallParameters.jjtAccept(Unknown Source) at FESI.Interpreter.EcmaScriptEvaluateVisitor.visit(Unknown Source) at FESI.AST.ASTAllocationExpression.jjtAccept(Unknown Source) at FESI.Interpreter.EcmaScriptEvaluateVisitor.visit(Unknown Source) at FESI.AST.ASTAssignmentExpression.jjtAccept(Unknown Source) at FESI.Interpreter.EcmaScriptEvaluateVisitor.visit(Unknown Source) at FESI.AST.ASTStatement.jjtAccept(Unknown Source) at FESI.Interpreter.EcmaScriptEvaluateVisitor.visit(Unknown Source) at FESI.AST.ASTStatementList.jjtAccept(Unknown Source) at FESI.Interpreter.EcmaScriptEvaluateVisitor.evaluateFunction(Unknown S ource) at FESI.Interpreter.Evaluator.evaluateFunction(Unknown Source) at FESI.Data.ConstructedFunctionObject.callFunction(Unknown Source) at FESI.Data.ESObject.doIndirectCall(Unknown Source) at FESI.Data.ESObject.doIndirectCall(Unknown Source) at FESI.Data.ESObject.doIndirectCall(Unknown Source) at helma.scripting.fesi.FesiEvaluator.invoke(Unknown Source) at helma.scripting.fesi.FesiScriptingEnvironment.invoke(Unknown Source) at Source) at


hns, May 15, 2002 at 1:13:02 PM CEST

That's a bug in hopobject/securityFunctions.js

I fixed it yesterday but forgot to check it in. It's trivial. To be precise, it happens whenever there's no weblog in the request path.

BTW, as you and others have noticed, I enhanced debugging output in yesterday's snapshot to get more dramatic better bug reports.

Update: here is the fix.


tobi, May 15, 2002 at 1:21:14 PM CEST

what's that

bracket doing in the first line "</**"?


hns, May 15, 2002 at 1:23:42 PM CEST


sloppy me. thanks.


robert, May 15, 2002 at 9:01:40 PM CEST


for fixing!


... comment
hns, May 15, 2002 at 5:59:46 PM CEST

+1 on your proposal above

regarding displaying number of weblogs. It is infact weird to be told that X weblogs have been created and than you see nuth'n.


robert, May 15, 2002 at 8:46:26 PM CEST

what about

a frontpage saying_

Number of weblogs hosted here: xxx Public accessible weblogs: xxx Last updated weblogs:

where the last line appears just when there are any public accessible weblogs, followed by the list as we know it.

i already changed the weblogcount-macro in my working copy so that one can specify if the total number of weblogs should be counted or just the public ones (=default).


... comment
hns, May 15, 2002 at 6:13:06 PM CEST

While we're at it

I always planned to have the subscribed/member of weblogs also listed on the Antville frontpage. I think this would be great both for and local antville installations. What does everybody else think?


kris, May 15, 2002 at 6:32:23 PM CEST

same with sitenews or announcements

you can't expect everybody reads the projectlog. would it be possible to run a weblog on the frontpage?


hns, May 15, 2002 at 6:35:14 PM CEST

+1 on a functional front page

actually, I think the whole text on the front page is pretty boring for most antville visitors. It definitely should be there, but maybe not all on the front page but just one line and a link for further info?


kris, May 15, 2002 at 6:45:40 PM CEST

what userland does.

i actually like the way manila deals with it. you define one or more regular weblogs as "hosting sites", i.e. you can put the "create new weblog", "last updates" etc. macros only on hosting sites. what do you think?


hns, May 15, 2002 at 8:24:04 PM CEST

I don't like that a lot

I prefer having a "root" zone where to manage all the global stuff (and then embed weblogs via some yet-to-be-devised macro)


robert, May 15, 2002 at 8:53:58 PM CEST

two ideas

what i really like is what tobi did for our intranet: the frontpage is a "blown up recently modified"-list over all weblogs hosted within one antville installation (i could also think about a different way where one could specify just some weblogs to include in this list).

or a new "recently modified"-macro where one can specify the weblog - this would make it possible to include the last stories and/or postings of specific weblogs on the frontpage.

how about that?


hns, May 15, 2002 at 9:23:36 PM CEST

Yes, that's pretty much my idea

only that I wouldn't want a recently-modified list, but the weblog as it is, with only top level stories showing. Of course this could also bundle more weblogs into one stream.


robert, May 15, 2002 at 9:41:04 PM CEST

full stories

on the frontpage can imo result in a pretty fat page, especially when more than one weblog are participating. what i thought of was a "blown up" rml where the stories appear with more text than in the list here on the right. whether one limits this list to just stories or postings too should be up to setting one parameter in the imaginary macro.


hns, May 15, 2002 at 10:15:54 PM CEST


I guess you're talkin about a different macro then. What I mean to do is simply to embed a weblog somewhere else, basically the thing that the weblog.storylist macro is supposed to do (but doesn't really)


... comment

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