Antville Project


last night i committed a new set of updates into CVS. changes are:

  • stories do not change the URL anymore whether they are part of a topic or not; story-URLs will now follow this scheme: [weblog]/stories/[story-ID]. this means that the permalink is now a *real* permalink.
  • this problem is solved, which also changed the URL of comments: the new scheme is [weblog]/stories/[story-ID]/comments/[comment-ID]. this allowes unlimited nested comments (i stopped testing after > 100 levels ;-)
  • every form now contains an "action"-attribute (i hope i didn't forget one), the action itself is assigned to (accessible in skins as response.action) in the appropriate .hac-files.
  • changed weblogcount-macro: by default it now only counts the public weblogs, with the optional parameter count="all" it counts all hosted weblogs.
  • changed frontpage: now total number of hosted weblogs plus the number of public ones is displayed, the list of last updated weblogs only appears if there are any to show.
  • there is now one "delete"-action which allows the creator of a weblog to remove it. i didn't link it somewhere, mainly because i don't know where one would expect this link (any suggestions?)
i didn't update adele 'til now (will do some more testing before).


hns, May 16, 2002 at 10:44:28 AM CEST


a list of great changes!


... comment
tobi, May 16, 2002 at 10:50:49 AM CEST


master robert, wizard of antville. :)

i think the delete action to remove a weblog completely probably should be accompanied by an (xml?) export feature, shouldn't it?


robert, May 16, 2002 at 10:54:49 AM CEST


that would be cool! how 'bout it, wizard of rss? :-)


tobi, May 16, 2002 at 11:11:02 AM CEST


yes, rss might be the way. i just wonder how to create such an output: it could take some time to process a bigger weblog and turn every story, comment, image (...) data into an exchangable format. would a direct request via url work without time-out?


hns, May 16, 2002 at 11:18:32 AM CEST

I'd say

this is a clear case for the XML extension. It should/might be possible to dump or load the whole weblog contents with a few lines of code. Might be a good idea to consult StefanP on this.


robert, May 16, 2002 at 11:20:04 AM CEST

@tobi: chances are good such a request dies with a timeout, although i never tested something like that. even if it does not, this would block one thread per export for a pretty long time ... @hns: yep, that sounds good!


tobi, May 16, 2002 at 11:24:38 AM CEST

xml xtension

would solve this blocking? or is this a job for the scheduler, anyway?


hns, May 16, 2002 at 11:30:40 AM CEST

nope, using xml-extension is independent from the blocking/threading issue. I don't think we'll have a problem with timeouts though, I think it should be possible to dump the db content for big weblogs within seconds (with picture and goodie files going separate). Let's find out.


stefanp, May 16, 2002 at 12:12:51 PM CEST

helma xml-extension

the xml-extension currently has two features:

  • convert an xml-file in a specified way and make hopobjects out of it. this can easily be used to parse rss-output. the rss-output is done with skins.

  • load/save in a generic helma-xml-style. with this function you can export HopObjects and re-create them exactly the way they were before (but you've got a lot of ugly helma-attributes in your xml-document). for real-world-use one thing has to be changed: at the moment you're only able to specify how many levels you want to descend into the object tree, but you can't completely suppress the output of certain nodes. so if you walk down weblog-owner-subscriptions-otherweblog-etc etc (don't know the exact structure) you'll eventually dump more than one weblog. this is not a lot of work, but requires some thoughts about the format of handing over this configuration. maybe you give the Xml.load/save functions a try and suggest sg.


... comment
tobi, May 16, 2002 at 11:47:43 AM CEST

@ new url structure

works pretty well, and i think this is really the way it should be.

however, i noticed that i can create funny constellations of a story and its comments by hacking the url. e.g. with a structure like this:

story 1
+-- comment 2
+-- comment 3
+-- comment 4
and a path like /stories/1/comments/3 i get only comment 4 directly appended onto story 1.

did not bother myself with the logical issues but it appears a little bit weird to me (this way i can create references of comments to a story which might be at least confusing)...

and what about a permanent link of a comment? (darn, i am getting back to my old pov, that a comment should be treated exactly the same as a story...).


hns, May 16, 2002 at 11:54:36 AM CEST

permanent link to comment

As it is, Antville does provide permalinks to comments, but does so by linking to the story with an #anchor to the comment id. (The link you get in the recent mod list for comments). I think if offering a perma-link to comments (to which I'm +1), it should be this and not a page with the comment alone. The idea for doint it this way is that a comment relies on and should be viewed within its context (i.e. the thing it is commenting upon).


tobi, May 16, 2002 at 11:55:46 AM CEST

a comment relies on and should be viewed within its context

but that's obviously not the case anymore (i can view a comment attached to the wrong parent).

it's not a big issue but i think it not a big issue either to check if the url reflects the correct story/comments hierarchy.


hns, May 16, 2002 at 11:56:59 AM CEST

i can view a comment attached to the wrong parent

that's a different problem than providing perma-links to comments, innit?

it's not a big issue but i think it not a big issue either to check if the url reflects the correct story/comments hierarchy.

I'd say it's a bug, right?


tobi, May 16, 2002 at 11:59:29 AM CEST

that's the problem i described with emphasis above. the permalink for comments was just a minor note at the end.


hns, May 16, 2002 at 12:03:14 PM CEST

that's the problem i described with emphasis above.

which is clearly a bug so I didn't feel the need to comment further.

the permalink for comments was just a minor note at the end.

... to which I replied that we do have permalinks in the recent mods list already, and maybe just need a way to provide/expose them.

(just to make things clear ;-)


tobi, May 16, 2002 at 12:06:06 PM CEST

i luv meta threads


no seriously, sometimes it's good to have a controlled dialogue.


robert, May 16, 2002 at 12:29:58 PM CEST


i fixed the bug: if one calls main-action for a comment, he's getting redirected to story-main (with an anchor to the requested comment).

+1 for including permalink of comments in default skins


hns, May 16, 2002 at 1:10:32 PM CEST

that was fast!

+1 from me too.


robert, May 16, 2002 at 1:59:19 PM CEST

ok, then i'll do it.


skittleholic, May 18, 2002 at 3:56:32 AM CEST


hi. i have no idea how to post. i have used blogger before, but i got tired of it. however, this is very complex for me. can someone refer me to anyone or anything? thanks.



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