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May 16, 2002 at 2:47:03 PM CEST
skinmanager consolidation I just commited a patch to CVS to get rid of dual skin managing infrastructure in weblogs: "skinmanager" containing the skins and "skins" doing functional management on them. From now on, everything is contained and managed within the skinmgr prototype. The direct benefit is that some code becomes a bit nicer, but the real reason is to make the skin manager less dependent on its surrounding (I was playing with plugging a skinmanager at antville root level, wich is now possible with a few additional hacks, but it's also possible that somebody might want to plug it into a different application altogether.) Let me know if you encounter any problems (in your local installations - it's not on antville.org yet). PS: An interesting experiment: update to the newest CVS version and then add skins = mountpoint(skinmgr) in root/type.properties. Then invoke URL /skins in your antville root. While the skinmanager itself would work, you'll get errors from the security functions and rendering functions which expect a weblog object to be around. If we can solve these errors (not just in a per-case basis by making root look like weblog, but by defining some standard modes of interaction) we'd be able to get true meaningful modularity, I think.
May 16, 2002 at 3:48:43 PM CEST
sounds interesting first of all thanks for your change - that definetly makes things easier (and nicer too). reg. your experiment: as long as you don't have any db-stored skins on root it's fine, but how does (should) it work if you want that? root has no WEBLOG_ID (which is the foreign key according to skinmgr/type.properties), which afaik will lead to an sql-clause "where WEBLOG_ID = null" - a thing i wanted to post on helma-list a few days ago but i forgot ;-) maybe that could be solved in helma so that if a value that should appear in an sql-clause is null, the clause should be i.e. "WEBLOG_ID is null". just curious: how could one make root "look like weblog"? and yes: modules is the way to go ;-)
May 16, 2002 at 4:52:46 PM CEST
It's actually a bit different now With the fix for bug 79, Helma complains (rightly) when adding skin objects to root, since skin objects have an object reference to weblog. After changing that reference to a simple integer property, things work! But not really! Because now root skins have a value of 0 in their WEBLOG_ID field, which happens to be the ID of the root object, but would be mistaken for a weblog id. So... I think the solution is to extend object references to be able to handle references to different tables/types. I messed around a bit and this is what I came up with. For simple object references (in our case, skin objects' reference to the containing object - notice that I replaced "weblog" with "owner"): owner = object () owner.local = OWNER_ID owner.foreign = ID owner.table = OWNER_TABLE And for collections (in our case skinmgr) _children = collection (skin) _children.local = ID _children.foreign = OWNER_ID _children.table = OWNER_TABLE I discussed something like this a few days ago with Tom Förster. Comments?
May 16, 2002 at 5:28:52 PM CEST
making root "look like weblog" just curious: how could one make root "look like weblog"? I was talking about duplicating the functions of weblog in root.
May 16, 2002 at 7:11:51 PM CEST
that's how i found out what i submitted as bug 79 ;-) i did exactly what you described above, and i came to pretty the same conclusion, except that i wouldn't specify the table, but the name of the prototype-column: owner = object () owner.local = OWNER_ID owner.foreign = ID owner.table = OWNER_PROTOTYPE or _children = collection (skin) _children.local = ID _children.foreign = OWNER_ID _children.prototype = PROTOTYPE this seems pretty consistent to me (.prototype is already used in type.properties-format 1.2).
May 16, 2002 at 9:26:38 PM CEST
no strong preferences between "table" and "prototype". But the notation isn't very clear yet. In the first case, with an object reference, owner.prototype = OWNER_PROTOTYPE it's quite clear that we're talking about a local column describing the prototype of the referenced object. But in the case of the collection, _children.prototype = OWNER_PROTOTYPE it looks just the same, while it's the other way round. I tried mixing in some pieces of "local" and "foreign", but it remains just as confusing (to me, at least).
May 16, 2002 at 10:41:46 PM CEST
"table" appears wrong to me, because it actually defines a column. but you're right: in case of collections this is really confusing (while in case of object-references it looks pretty logical for me) ...
May 17, 2002 at 10:10:56 AM CEST
How about _children.parentprototype = OWNER_PROTOTYPE I think the "parent" fits well with the "_children". The original version _children.prototype = CHILD_PROTOTYPE could mean a local column defining the prototype of child objects, although I'm not sure we'll need this.
May 17, 2002 at 11:29:42 AM CEST
definetly a better way to describe that, but it's still not absolut logical. i assume you already checked this: _children.foreignprototype = OWNER_PROTOTYPE to some point this makes sense to me, because _children.foreign = OWNER_ID also references a foreign column defining the parent's id. so the whole stuff would look like this: _children=collection(skin) _children.local=ID _children.foreign=OWNER_ID _children.foreignprototype=OWNER_PROTOTYPE but this also might be confusing, because .foreignprototype could easily be misunderstood for defining the children's prototype ... so i think your suggestion is definetly best. (but maybe we should discuss this on hop-mailinglist) ... comment
May 17, 2002 at 4:47:38 PM CEST
remove files in /skin? i did not follow the whole discussion here, but would like to know if the prototype skin is now obsolete and could/should be deleted in my local installation/cvs?
May 17, 2002 at 5:50:52 PM CEST
nope I just removed a collection (aka virtual subnode) from weblog objects. Even if we had removed any files, CVS would do that for you as part of updating. ... comment
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