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May 16, 2002 at 3:32:45 PM CEST
migrating to xhtml i am currently modifying the skins to output true and validated xhtml 1.0 (transitional, that is). because this is quite an extensive task that affects a bunch of skins and macros (returning html code) i'd like to kinldy ask you to wait a little bit with your next check-ins, at least if skins are concerned. btw. i'd like to modify the functions that render html output in a way that there is a set of global skins defining the html that will be called from the function with a parameter object instead "res.writing" the whole html data from within the function. is that okay with you? update: i made a first step with the xhtml migration as well with the new way how html macros (ie. macros returning html tags) are rendered (as described inside) and already checked it into cvs. please be aware that this stuff is still in development and i cannot guarantee whether it's buggy or not (and sorry, i won't be able to continue before tuesday).
May 16, 2002 at 3:47:43 PM CEST
You mean "no more hardcoded HTML", right? +1, but just for interest: can you say approximately in how many cases HTML is hardcoded in the current version (and thus how many new skins there'd be)? Something else: Helma HTML encoder currently writes out <br> for line breaks. You'd need that changed to <br/>, right? (I'm not an expert on XHTML.)
May 16, 2002 at 3:54:32 PM CEST
yes no more hardcoded html inside .js files. actually, i cannot say how much html is hardcoded. but i expect there to be new skins for at least the most frequently used html tags with many attributes (like img, a, input). i don't want to make promises but i think in the end there will be between 5 and 10 more skins... and, uhm, yes, the encoder output of the br tag i already changed to <br />. is that ok, too?
May 16, 2002 at 4:21:25 PM CEST
That's ok but the place where this is probably more important is in helma/util/HtmlEncoder.java. Feel free to change it there too (just search and replace "<br>), otherwise I can do it. PS: I propose writing empty tags without space between element name and slash. I think that's the more common way to write them.
May 16, 2002 at 5:05:08 PM CEST
nope "IMPORTANT Compatibility Note: To make your XHTML compatible with today's browsers, you should add an extra space before the "/" symbol like this: <br />, and this: <hr />." (source). ... comment
May 16, 2002 at 3:56:44 PM CEST
wow many many thanks for your efforts, tobi! and +1 for removing hardcoded html-code in macros/renderFunctions (actually i don't know how often this is the case, i hope it's not that often ...) ... comment
May 16, 2002 at 5:28:33 PM CEST
erm, xhtml and community sites i just read the specs. whatdoes the reality look like? do browser render non-valid xhtml? what happens if some comments contain not well-formed xhtml? i'm not against making antville xhtml compatible. it's a great thing for those who like clean code. but i wonder if a preference for strict and sloppy doctype would make sense.
May 16, 2002 at 6:01:12 PM CEST
i don't think you'll have to worry the browsers won't complain if a story or comment contains invalid xhtml and this is mixing up with the default, (hopefully) valid antville markup. i won't use the strict doctype anyway, but the transitional one. and your proposal sounds like a lot of work, honestly (rage, rage, rage!)
May 16, 2002 at 6:31:01 PM CEST
no hard work, but not necessary maybe my comment was too short. i think it is necessary that all antville code is valid in xhtml. what i was referring to is given the admin an easy menu to change the doctype used the template. but this is not an issue if browsers do render invalid xhmtl sufficiently well. ... comment
May 16, 2002 at 6:08:19 PM CEST
proposal / rfc i came to a solution which to me looks quite nice and obviously reduces the amount of (redundant) code. as an example, here's how an image would be rendered: hopobject/renderFunctions.js (i think this and some other functions should go global, shouldn't they?) function renderImage(img, param) { var attr = new Object(); attr.title = param.title ? param.title : img.alttext; attr.style = param.style; attr.id = param.id ? param.id : param.style; attr.src = getProperty("imgUrl"); attr.src += img.weblog ? img.weblog.alias + "/" : ""; attr.src += img.filename + "." + img.fileext; attr.width = param.width ? param.width : img.width; attr.height = param.height ? param.height : img.height; attr.alt = param.description ? param.description : img.alttext; renderMarkupElement("img", null, attr); return; }global/renderFunctions.js function renderMarkupElement(name, content, attr) { var param = new Object(); param.tagname = name; param.content = content; param.attributes = ""; for (var i in attr) { if (!attr[i]) continue; param.attributes += " " + i + "="" + attr[i] + """; } renderSkin("htmltag", param); return; }global/htmltag.skin <<% param.tagname %><% param.attributes %>><% param.content %></<% param.tagname %>>this way, any xhtml element could be rendered with only one skin. however, still the attributes are somehow residing in the script and not in the skin, and probably this approach is not as flexible as it should be... what do you think?
May 16, 2002 at 6:21:17 PM CEST
genius! but we don't even need the skin, I think. Since HTML and XML tags always look the same (and this is infact cast in stone for eternity), we could directly write out the formatted tag in the global renderMarkupElement() function. Very smart + elegant! Re: fexibility: This is a perfect solution whenever tags are "pushed" from the code. When they're pulled together from skins, the skin author has to do with what macros are provided anyway, so I'd say this is nothing to worry about here.
May 16, 2002 at 7:04:23 PM CEST
yeeha! this looks fabulous! +1 for directly writing out the tag in renderMarkupElement(), and one question: in your example you have attr.style = param.style; which i assume will end up as style="[css-definition]". now using an additional parameter "class" is prohibited by Fesi ("EcmaScriptParseException: Keyword ' class' reserved for future extension"), what about "sclass"? (not as nice, i know ...)
May 16, 2002 at 8:11:52 PM CEST
we could do without class because id will do the same (you just have to define your custom styles as "#cssDefinition", ie. using the hash instead of the period). and no problem with backwards compatibility, because we can define both, the old "classes" as well as the new "ids" in one stylesheet:.title, #title {...} thanks for supporting my proposal. i will include the tag in the code and get rid of the htmltag skin.
May 16, 2002 at 8:50:29 PM CEST
it sucks to be forced to go one way or the other because something in the underlying technology interferes. But I think using param["class"] = "..."; instead of param.class = "..."; we can smuggle it past the parser.
May 17, 2002 at 11:45:46 AM CEST
cool if that'll work, i'll happily add it to the code. thanks! ... comment
May 21, 2002 at 9:51:27 AM CEST
feedback? did somebody try out the new code resp. take a look at it? your comments are appreciated.
May 21, 2002 at 3:48:43 PM CEST
sorry, tobi, i didn't have the time 'til now. i'll give it a try tonight.
May 21, 2002 at 5:26:44 PM CEST
If your changes are in the main branch then I'm using them already. Didn't see any special behaviour, but all i did was rendering main.hac pages.
May 22, 2002 at 10:06:51 AM CEST
yes and no the first steps i made (until i wrote the story above) i checked into the main cvs branch. however yesterday, i continued with the work and created a new branch called "devjamtobi". there are just too many lines of code that i had to touch, i was afraid to put it in the main branch. and because this time i already know that there are bugs in my current code, i think this was a good decision, too. ... comment
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