Antville Project

error in skinmanager

hi, i'm getting this error when i try to save modifications in the skin editor: [HopMacro error: FESI.Exceptions.EcmaScriptException: Runtime error The property '[object JavaArray]' is not defined in object 'ES:[Object]' detected at line 36 of function 'skineditor_macro' in file: '/usr/local/hop/apps/antville/skinmgr/macros.js']


hns, August 30, 2001 at 10:37:11 PM CEST

thanks for the report

I'll look into that tomorrow. sounds interesting.


robert, August 30, 2001 at 11:39:56 PM CEST

thats because

there are two hidden values ("proto" and "name") in the form, and because the form-tag has no action defined, the hidden values are posted - which is ok, but the arguments in the url (which are also named "proto" and "name") are posted too - which is strange. Since the last snapshot Helma is capable of storing multiple values for a form element - which means that and appear as arrays ... i made a quick workaround which should help for now and have a closer look on weekend.


hns, August 31, 2001 at 12:34:37 AM CEST

it's already fixed in the new 20010831 snapshot.

The new rule is:

A form parameter is always a string. If a parameter has more than one value, these values are additionally stored in an array with the name paramname_array.

The way we had it before was pretty fragile, as we saw.


tobi, August 31, 2001 at 1:19:21 PM CEST


a very smart solution. best of both worlds and not breaking anything. well done, hannes.


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