Antville Project

new update

checked in last night. the changes are:

  • user-rights are now (internally) bit-level encoded. this should make it much easier to create new predefined roles or even offer fine-grained user-rights (defined per user). thanks to hns for the eye-opener
  • as a result, there's now a new role - "content manager" - that gives full rights on all contents (stories, comments, images, goodies), but is not allowed to edit weblog-preferences, members and skins. hope this works for you, kris.
  • i tried to solve the membership-mess in antville (as discussed here and here), meaning: - i removed the possibility for admins to disable user-signup. - "signup" (which is now called "subscription") has - for now - just one benefit: the subscribed weblog is added to a list, which results in a page for every user containing these subscribed weblogs plus the ones the user is a member of (= contributor, content manager or admin). to give this more sense this "your subscriptions"-page also contains a list ordered by the last update (kind of a "personal" version of the weblog-list on and maybe one day there will be a mail-notification-service in antville too ... - users are now also allowed to "unsubscribe" - users do not have to subscribe to a weblog anymore just to get a chance of becoming a contributor, contentmanager or admin, it's all up to admins now: search for existing user-accounts (by username), choose the appropriate account and define the role of this user. should make things clearer.

i also cleaned up the code a bit more, and as always i hope i didn't introduce any new bugs. since this was the last big change on database-level i think antville should now be quite safe for the long-awaited update (after a bit more testing of course). anyway, please comment on these changes and report any bugs you found.

(btw.: there's a new db-patch called antville_dbpatch20020109.sql - please apply before)


hns, January 24, 2002 at 11:49:12 AM CET


I haven't checked out the new version yet, but last time I looked at it (a few days ago), I did have the feeling that fine-grained permissions would be a desirable thing. For example, instead of having just a few "hard wired" roles like administrator, contributor, etc, I imagine being able to give users permissions for actual tasks, like being allowed to post on the weblog, post a story to the topic space, create a new topic, modify skins etc. I think with a set of checkboxes per user, this wouldn't be too hard to handle. What do you think?


robert, January 24, 2002 at 12:05:40 PM CET


that's why i switched to bitwise encoding of user-permissions (there are now 15 different user-permissions). what i really would like is a mixture of both: so either choose a predefined role (like it's now) as a "template" or edit the user-permissions for single tasks. i don't think that would be too hard, more or less just a display-problem.


... comment
tobi, January 24, 2002 at 3:10:31 PM CET

i successfully updated my local antville installation and as far as i can say after a few first tests everything works perfectly. thanks, robert!


robert, January 24, 2002 at 3:51:37 PM CET


glad to hear. btw: i just found a bug in the last sql-patch, so you'll need to do the following:

update TEXT set EDITABLEBY = null where EDITABLEBY > 1;


... comment
chris, January 25, 2002 at 9:37:58 PM CET


(I hope the Hop does IP/session checking).


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kris, January 28, 2002 at 3:54:46 PM CET

re: content manager

maybe it is just me, but i think the content manager should be allowed to edit the prefs (at least sitename, tagline, etc) and the members (except he can't assign the full admin right).

the cm was thought of as a person who maintains every aspect the site except the design. disabling the access to the skins has two goal:

  1. a cm without html-skills cannot accidently ruin the site
  2. a skilled admin can set up antville sites with a given design and you pass the responsibility to a cm. (think weblogs in education or in an organisation, where you want a ci).


robert, January 29, 2002 at 12:03:08 AM CET

ok, i thought of a content manager-role as being able to control the whole content of a site. i strongly believe in the self-responsibility of people involved in a website-project (even more if the site was created for them by somebody else!), so to me it makes no sense to boil down user-rights to single preferences.

what i can think of is a way of defining user-rights either by using predefined roles (like it's now) or granting single task-based permissions (i.e. "edit members"), but i don't see any clean way (code-based) to implement an even finer-grained permission-system (i.e. "edit members, but not allowed to grant admin-rights", or "edit preferences, but just site-name and tagline"). this would go too far into the direction of a "real" CMS (which is not the direction of antville as i see it).


... comment

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