Antville Project

Antville localization report

I spent part of last night messing around with localization issues of Antville. Here's what I found.

  • Apache/Tomcat/Helma already handles Unicode nicely. That is, if we set charset to UTF-8 in Helma, the only place where it breaks in our current setup is MySQL, which won't support Unicode for a few years to come, it seems (it's promised for 4.1, and right now 4.0, the complete rewrite of MySQL, is still regarded as unstable). So I got really angry at MySQL and promised myself to investigate into alternatives like PostgreSQL, which has no problems with Unicode. Having one Antville server running capable of handling any character set on earth would be a thing of beauty!
  • Antclick will infact support Unicode from the next release on. Hsqldb handles Unicode nicely, and I ripped out a little part of Tomcat parameter parsing and plugged it into our embedded web server. I now have a fully Unicode capable Antville running on my iBook (limited on the display side by what my Mac OS X supports of international charsets e.g. Japanese and Chinese works, but not Arabic. So far the only platform with close to complete charset support out of the box I've seen is Linux)
  • I implemented support for setting the timezone for weblogs. That is, by setting a timezone in the weblog preferences, times will not only be displayed in the local language, but also with the right timezone offset, e.g. page that was created at noon Vienna time may be displayed as 8 PM Tokyo time. I still haven't updated the database scheme (WEBLOG table needs a varchar(32) field called timezone/TIMEZONE), but I commited the code into branch called hns_timezone of apps/antville/weblog. It works even without the db patch (although weblogs won't remember the timezone after restart), so feel free to check it out using cvs update -r hns_timezone weblog from within the antville app directory. The reason I checked it into a separate branch was that a) I wasn't sure if this functionality is desired, b) it's still buggy/uncomplete especially in regard to weblog days/dates, and c) it poses some new questions we have to solve before deploying. One is that timezones will currently be used to display weblog lists on the antville root area, which will be confusing, because although weblogs will be listed in the right order, dates will seemingly jump back and forward in random fashion. I think that dates in supra-weblog lists should always be displayed in the same timezone, which could be the server timezone or even a per-user settable time zone, which wouldn't be hard to do. Whatever we do, it is probably a good idea to provide a version of renderTimestamp() which could be called with java.util.Locale and java.util.TimeZone parameters and would thus be independent of the weblog prototype and could thus be placed in global.

Please let me know what you think. I think I'll update this posting later with a few juicy screenshots ;-)


hun, May 22, 2002 at 2:53:44 PM CEST

Hallo Leute,

wenn Ihr möchtet, könnt Ihr "impos.antville" löschen, ist jetzt dateileiche.kb ...


hns, May 22, 2002 at 3:08:30 PM CEST

Wir möchten aber nicht - ausser wir müssen. Sehr schön das neue übrigens.


kris, May 22, 2002 at 3:37:41 PM CEST

hab ich was verpasst?

ich war ein paar tage nicht hier. wo ist der hr. hun jetzt?


hns, May 22, 2002 at 3:50:56 PM CEST

Übrigens, es wäre möglich, alle impos.ant-stories mit einem einfachen SQL statement nach clignot.ant ville rüberzuholen, falls das gewünscht ist. Aber kann ja auch sein dass nicht gewünscht wegen Neuanfang.


amizman, May 23, 2002 at 2:39:34 PM CEST

hm, erstmal vielen dank

wollt ich nur lahm legen, aber dann direkt zu viel auskommentiert un widdersehn. egal.

ist ja nur digitale unterhaltung. wer liest den alten kram, außer paar erotik-touristen von google.

nö, wenn man ne weile mit rummacht, merkt man dann auch, was wie genutzt wird, deswegen viel vereinfacht und einfach mal was neues...


amizman, May 23, 2002 at 3:18:21 PM CEST

? genau, wo wir gerade dabei sind...

kann man innerhalb eines bestimmten bereiches, also div oder tabellenzelle, den enthaltenen links eine andere farbe (also zweite linkfarbe) zuweisen, (wie wenn ich adress-tags eine andere class zuweise)? das habe ich allein net hinbekommen...


... comment
tobi, May 22, 2002 at 3:48:23 PM CEST


i like it. however, i hope you do not mind that i'll test your branch a little bit later.

reason: i'd like to advertise for my own branch at the moment. :)


hns, May 22, 2002 at 3:49:25 PM CEST

let the branch wars begin ;-)


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robert, May 22, 2002 at 4:10:05 PM CEST


haven't tested your branch 'til now, but switching to unicode is definetly a good idea. reg. database: i don't know much about postgresql (and the differences to mysql), but afaik it isn't available on windows which imo is a problem. doesn't mean that we shouldn't change the db here on, but maybe this means that we have to maintain more than one sql-scripts.

reg. timezones: i started doing the same thing months ago, but never finished it, so i'm more than happy that you did it now! yes, imho this is a very important feature, and it should definetly be included into release-code.

+1 for the global renderTimestamp() with additional parameters.



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ototoro, May 23, 2002 at 4:22:48 PM CEST


The timezone feature is definitely desirable, as evidenced by my posting on this very issue mere hours ago!

I agree that the "supra-weblog lists" should be based on a server time zone for wherever the server is hosted (per-user offset is a nice idea, too, but even just the server time would be enough to minimize confusion). Individual weblog timezones would apply to any intra-weblog postings.

Not running my own antville server yet, so I'll have to wait for this to get committed into the code, but I'm looking forward to this feature! Keep up the good work!


... comment

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