Antville Project

Antville weblog search

I finally checked the weblog search functionality into the CVS. Thanks to Robert's recent changes with only one text table, it was very easy to implement a search on both stories and comments.

antville search

Maybe I'll add partitioning of search results on separate pages today, which could be extended to a generic previous/next navigation framework.

Let me know what other features you'd like to see. There's a lot we can do here, like advanced searches, searches over the whole site instead of just one weblog, etc.


robert, January 27, 2002 at 3:20:43 PM CET


that's fabulous! i'll check it out today (just finished setting up my new machine, so i'm still in the middle of basic configuration), so for now: big thanks, hns!


robert, January 27, 2002 at 11:08:45 PM CET

just a few quick ideas

regarding your great search-extension:

  • i think if a user specifies more than one keyword, antville should use the AND-method (right now the search treats the keywords entered as phrase).
  • searching for phrases (using quotes) would also be great (and not too hard to implement, i think).
  • having a possibility to choose whether to search in the current weblog or in the whole site would be really nice.
  • displaying the result in portions of 10 items or so is imho really necessary (esp.when searching in the whole site is enabled).


hns, January 28, 2002 at 12:11:44 PM CET


exactly the same features I see. There's one minor difficulty when searching the whole site, and that's finding only those stories that are public or may be seen by the current user. Finding only stories in public weblogs requires a simple join, but finding stories in public weblogs or private weblogs that the user has access to would be overkill.

So I propose the whole-site-search will find only public stories in public weblogs, regardless of the current user. Is that acceptable?

BTW, how about comments to stories that are offline? Currently I only check the ISONLINE flag in the text item itself, but (if it's a comment) not in the story it belongs to...


tobi, January 28, 2002 at 12:14:31 PM CET


yes, i think that's ok.

btw. at hopdev the search is working already.


robert, January 28, 2002 at 1:17:07 PM CET


i think it's absolutely ok search only in public weblogs and public stories. checking if a comment belongs to an offline-story is indeed a bigger problem, the only way i could think of is an outer-join ... and btw.: what do you think about a dropdown for specifying "match any", "match all", "exact phrase"?


... comment
dintendo, January 28, 2002 at 10:11:16 AM CET

love it

yeah. i love this thing. keep up the great work. the search would be nice, as well...


... comment

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