Antville Project

antville online polls

as a specialist for unrequested features i implemented polls in the latest antville version.

it's still in development but you can already test it at hopdev (robert, i hope you don't mind the question, it's just for testing purposes ;-)

please note that login is required for both voting and creating/editing polls. otherwise you can take a look at the poll results only.

btw. please let me know what the results look like in other browsers than msie. it's some kind of quick css hack.


seewolf, January 28, 2002 at 12:00:43 PM CET

a little bit more

login and subscribing is required for both voting and creating/editing polls


tobi, January 28, 2002 at 12:05:20 PM CET


i tried it out myself with two different, newly registered users and did not have to subscribe... but thanks for the information, anyway.


robert, January 28, 2002 at 1:18:41 PM CET

that's because

if you register within a weblog, you automatically subscribe to it (should i change this behaviour?)


tobi, January 28, 2002 at 2:05:03 PM CET

er, me stupid... certainly, that's the way how antville membership works. i don't think you should change this behaviour, robert. rather will i change the requirement of membership for voting a poll.


... comment
hns, January 28, 2002 at 12:05:26 PM CET


You can only vote if you're subscribed to the weblog. Otherwise, you can just view the results. Not sure if that's a good idea.

Does this somehow track who voted what, or who voted?


tobi, January 28, 2002 at 12:07:34 PM CET


that's by intention and a very good idea imho. i did not want to have a stupid click-as-fast-and-many-as-you-can voting tool... if you look at the poll form again after you have voted, you should find the radio button of your choice being checked. however, you can change your vote until a poll is closed.


hns, January 28, 2002 at 12:25:52 PM CET


Yep, that's right. First I thought it would be nice in some cases to let people vote without being logged in, but it seems ok to have the same policy for votes as for comments...

About the right to create polls: I'd say this should be allowed for the same people who are allowed to write stories. Or, as soon as we have fine-grained permissions, there could be a separate checkbox for letting people create polls...

I like the create/edit-poll form. The "add choice" button is a very simple and comfortable solution.

This will be really valuable feature for work/project group blogs!


tobi, January 28, 2002 at 1:12:51 PM CET

poll types

actually, i already thought of other poll types (e.g. for multiple choice capability, ie. using checkboxes instead of radio buttons). so it certainly would be possible to provide an "open poll" type as well, where everyone can vote the "wild" way.

what i definitely will change, though, is the membership requirement for voting a poll. being logged in should be sufficient here.


... comment
seewolf, January 28, 2002 at 2:33:21 PM CET


there isn't an possibility to see the results whithout/before voting. Your way to objectivity?


tobi, January 28, 2002 at 3:08:36 PM CET

there is

simply click on the "vote" button without selecting a radio button.

(there is no such thing called objectivity if you'd ask me :)


hns, January 28, 2002 at 3:21:54 PM CET

I am very strongly

for a "view results" link (available to everyone). To me, it feels right to be able to see the poll result without forcing people to vote first.

Another thing I'd like to see would be a macro that allows to embed the poll into a story. This would allow people to comment on a poll, add more context to the poll presentation, put polls on the home page etc.


tobi, January 28, 2002 at 3:52:20 PM CET

i will think about the "view results" link, the macro is already in the making. hey, don't you have to do some stuff yourself on the search engine, huh? <g>


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