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June 4, 2002 at 1:06:00 PM CEST
antville as cms for the rest of us a part of my job includes the reworking of a big institutional website. the site is based on a way too complex and too expensive cough knowledge management system. i'm thinking of gradually replacing it by antville and helma. my basic idea is to build a website that works on two levels. one is the chronologically ordered frontpage (weblog) and the other is a well structured archive (the actual site). here is a list of the features i would like to add:
i guess the last two points are also interesting for regular weblogs whereas the first two aspects clearly go further. is the code for the structured content on helma.org available and can it be merged with antville? is anyone else interested in these features?
June 4, 2002 at 1:56:27 PM CEST
I'm pretty much with you regarding the Antville as a generic CMS for small sites. Weblogs are great, but we've got 80% of what it takes for a simple generic CMS already, so if we go the extra 20%, the kinds of websites that can be implemented on Antville will expand by 80% (or some such ;-). What I'm working on in this regard right now is custom content properties for stories. Basically, stories will soon be able to hold any number and kind of text items without adding columns to the relational db by simply encoding the text as XML in the db. Regarding the virtual directory space you're talking about: I'm a bit ambivalent on that. On the one hand it's nice to have the possibility to add hierarchical structure, but the management of such a space tends to be non-trivial (for example, on helma.org we lack a good way of moving stories around). Also, reflecting hierarchical information in the story URL will result in broken links when stories are moved around, so there is something that speaks for keeping the /stories/[storyid] URLs we currently have (it's not a problem to add hierarchical structure without reflecting it in the URL-space, though). So my point is: hierarchical structures are great, but we need to think it out really well before adding it to Antville, which has a very nice and clean structure now.
June 4, 2002 at 3:16:00 PM CEST
exactly what i'm saying ...we need to think it out really well before adding it to Antville. this is my intention. i want to come up with a good solution in order to replace the current tool. since i know how manila and the other kms deals with virtual directories, i have a vague idea of how it should be done properly. if anyone has experience with a similar task let me know. the virtual directory issue is not urgent. so i will think about it during the next weeks and keep you updated. however, the other topics are more important and also useful for regular weblogs. ... comment
June 4, 2002 at 3:47:47 PM CEST
ad 1) i once did something like that, but it was based on "keywords" and not virtual directories (meaning that every story was associated with one or more keywords, which formed a "navigation-tree"). which was a really complex thing to implement. ad 2) i hate workflow :-) seriously, also this is mainly a ui-problem (and maybe one of growing preferences to define): if a contributor doesn't have the right to publish stories, the online/offline-dropdown shouldn't appear and so on ... so while this feature doesn't look like hard to implement, i think it has a lot of side-effects ... ad 3) this is planned for antville V1 (sooooon ...), together with a macro to embed the latest n stories in a specified topic. ad 4) i assume you're talking about the main page-skin. now the rendering of this skin is part of antville's code, so adding this feature is quite hard. and i'm not sure if this is really necessary ... nevertheless, one thing planned for V1 is "custom skins" (but keep in mind: it's planned, no guarantee)
June 4, 2002 at 4:00:59 PM CEST
re 4.) i was thinking of an optional skin for the frontpage. some weblogs have their webcams, blogrolls, current mood smileys, random desktop images and other stuff on their site. it would be cool if this was available only on the frontpage since it slows down the performance. i know you can do somthing similar with the current skins (like recent mods only on the front page), but an additional optional skin for a feature-enhanced front page would be nicer. ... comment
June 4, 2002 at 4:53:41 PM CEST
just my intuition i feel very awkward of antville becoming a cms (even if it's just "for the rest of us"). might be that just the word is such a big turn-off. however, especially the second point in the list is one that really would trouble me. sounds like dropping the "personal" attribute to go into some corporate direction again where workflow is all that matters. a website is not a weblog and a weblog tool is not a cms (and if antville is 80% close to one i think that's already enuff). consider me watching this from safe distance. ;->
June 4, 2002 at 5:41:57 PM CEST
i'm not thinking about corporations but institutions i don't see why you fear work flows. a corporate information policy is only one of various reasons why someone doesn't want every unedited story to appear on your site directly. as i said, i believe a good medium sized website should work on two levels--the weblog for chronologically sorted information and actual site for structure. people who want to follow closely can enter through the front door and follow the weblog, while occasional visitors or people who look for something specific will probably go for the hierarchy. i don't think the virtual directory tool should be a part of antville but it would be great if it worked on the same database, i.e. weblog entries will appear in the hierarchy and vice versa.
June 4, 2002 at 6:28:44 PM CEST
that's my point i want to do it for what is known as weblogs, not for "good medium sized websites". but be assured, i won't stand in your way, naturally. just keep on diggin'! :)
June 4, 2002 at 6:47:23 PM CEST
so i guess i have to subscribe to the helma mailing list and raise the discussion over there. once i have a proposal, that is.
June 4, 2002 at 11:13:05 PM CEST
i don't fear cms-workflow i'm just very sceptical about it. Too often i experienced that workflow (in the sense of implemented in cms-software) is deterring - mainly because "workflow" is just another word for a set of restrictions which in too many cases won't fit the needs of the people working with that piece of software. And you (as the software-developer) end up with either an unused system or a cms where everybody is either admin or knows the admin's login (which means all those userlevels and access-rights are basically a bunch of useless code). Imho the only workflow that works is based on collective responsibility, and not on access- or right-restrictions. But back to antville: I too think that antville could work fine for a lot of smaller websites, but i think those websites (and the people behind it) are far away from needing a finer grained access- and right-matrix than antville provides now. But maybe i'm wrong. ... comment
June 5, 2002 at 5:02:01 PM CEST
kris: can't find your email adress i'm pretty interested in this.
... comment
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