Antville Project

FYI: antville-localisation pt.2

as a follow-up to hannes' timezone-support i changed the way the application-messages of antville are generated. app-messages are now defined in central files (called 'messages_[lang].js', where [lang] should be the two-character-code of the language (e.g. "en", "de" ...). those messages are basically skins and are stored in an object-tree beneath[lang], currently divided in two "classes" of messages: "error" and "confirm". messages can be retrieved using several global functions (in global/objectFunctions.js). variable values are passed to the skins (either one uses a single string which will be embedded instead of the placeholder <% param.value1 %> or an array which values can be referenced using .value1, .value2 and so on).

depending on helmas or antvilles language setting (in resp. or a weblog's language antville tries to retrieve the requested message. if it can't be found, it will retrieve the english version (this is currently hardcoded, but i'll change that within the upcoming antville application setup). right now there are just two languages available: english and german (my spanish is still too bad, not to mention catalan ;-)

i committed the changes into a new branch in CVS called grob_messages. use cvs update -r grob_messages to check out.

please give it a try and post your opinion about it. hope you like it.


tobi, June 10, 2002 at 1:38:56 PM CEST


very elegant, i just switched the language in a testblog and immediately got the german feedback "Die Ă„nderungen wurden erfolgreich gespeichert!"... wow!

i noticed that the messages at login ("Please enter your login name and password" etc.) still are in english, though. could be that they were forgotten because they are not displayed via the respones.message macro...?


... comment
hns, June 10, 2002 at 6:02:21 PM CEST

looks nice.

I think if it you consider it stable this should go into the main branch.

And I know I'm repeating myself, but I think we should use the term "file" instead of "goodie".


... comment

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