Antville Project

renderTextPreview bug

Hi, just came across a problem in function renderTextPreview(text,limit) - everything after the last space is cut off, no matter if its beyond the limit or not... Also, the defaulted <wbr> shouldn't be added all 30chars, regardless if the chars before have spaces or not, but only split up char sequences that do not contain any space for more than 30 chars length.


tobi, June 12, 2002 at 8:48:23 AM CEST

note from the editor

olex, i've set all your postings online in weblog to get them out of their modest place. moreover, i've modified the message above to make the html tag visible for all of us readers.


... comment
robert, June 12, 2002 at 9:38:47 AM CEST

the reason

why we insert <wbr>-tags strictly after every 30 characters is simply speed (since this function is used pretty often) and because this tag doesn't do any harm (besides that little htmlcode-overhead).


olex, June 12, 2002 at 10:29:44 AM CEST

well, so I assume the bug-part of my previous posting (cutting off the last part) will be fixed one day. as for the forced wbr-tag, probably it's only my lack of html-knowledge, but I come across pretty ugly line brakes in my recently modified box. interestingly this doesnt seem to be the case in all logs, so maybe there is a way to tell IE to brake at a normal space as long as possible and only using the wbr position to brake when really necessary?


... comment

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