Antville Project

empty skins aren't saved

interestingly removing everything in a skin has the effect that the changes aren't saved, a skin seems to always have to be at least a single char or   long. Which is not that intuitive... ;)


tobi, June 12, 2002 at 8:53:28 AM CEST


this is due to ecmascript (javascript) evaluating an empty string to null. question is if you ever really would need an empty skin, or rather remove the corresponding macro from the parent skin...?


kris, June 12, 2002 at 9:09:57 AM CEST

i use one for the navigation menu

it consists of a space (" ") only and it works well.


tobi, June 12, 2002 at 9:14:10 AM CEST

an html comment

<!-- --> should do it, too. anyway, if empty skins are needed i'd like to hear robert's opinion if this could be implemented...


hns, June 12, 2002 at 9:18:12 AM CEST

why workaround

when you can fix it easily? (just wondering.)


tobi, June 12, 2002 at 9:22:21 AM CEST

i am

wondering with you. together we are (wondering) strong.


olex, June 12, 2002 at 10:33:09 AM CEST

tobi, unfortunately deleting the macro isnt possible everywhere - e.g. I tried to limit all functions to only admins and contributors and offer no usernavigation at all. As all the skins are called in one macro there's no way to handle this, other than making the skin empty.


tobi, June 12, 2002 at 10:37:48 AM CEST


that's a real dead-end.


olex, June 12, 2002 at 10:44:51 AM CEST

and, btw, this forces one to always have the complete navigation in one place - e.g. trying to put the admin navigation somewhere else (other div or table) leads to html-coding troubles as one shouldnt add any table tags in such a skin...


hns, June 12, 2002 at 10:47:34 AM CEST

I think

the navigation is being unbundled anyway, i.e. allowing navigation for users, contribs and admins to be placed independently from each other. At least I talked about that with Robert some weeks ago and we agreed on this point.

To me, the user navigation never made much sense. I think the reason why most people don't change basic site navigation is because it's hidden so well in the "Skins for advanced administrators" section. I think the basic site navigation should even be baked directly into the main page skin with only the contrib/admin links added dynamically by macro.


... comment
robert, June 12, 2002 at 9:32:02 AM CEST


i'd consider this a "leftover": submitting an empty skin leads to deleting the skin stored in database (which was used long ago), so it's gonna be fixed of course.


... comment

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